If I have a party...

May 19, 2006 17:34

next Friday or Saturday (May 26, 27), who would actually show up? I'm gonna have a bonfire out back in my crappy Hibatchi, play some music my brother is bringing from LA (he always has the BEST music), play games, read tarot, drink yummy drinks made fresh from the blender and various liquor bottles, annoy people, hug people, etc ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

madmiah May 20 2006, 16:56:59 UTC
we would come....and holy crap you arent dead...I havent seen you since that night in the Vegas parking lot..guess that could be partially my fault too though


revinterrupt13 May 21 2006, 03:30:31 UTC
WHY OH GOD WHY!? why do you always choose the summer nights that i'm gonna be gone on vacation?!

we will have to hang soon, and i mean soon...or soon! or something...haha


djdarkknight May 21 2006, 22:25:21 UTC
i am so down


tin_omen13 May 22 2006, 12:13:37 UTC
I'll definitely be there if it's on Friday. We'll be in Boise on Saturday though :(


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