Another idea might be to do student loans just for one semester. Hmm, never mention to your employer that you'll be going on disability when the time comes for the surgery. Shadey employers (like adrene) tend to fire people before they can take disability. It's not legal, but it's not worth the money to prove.
The downside to social healthcare is the wait lists. It took me about a month and a half to see a dermatologist. However it's better than not being able to go because you could never afford it.
Yeah, could easily imagine Ardene doing that, with the number of people who have been accused of stealing because of till errors or something like that.
Though they didn't fire me while I was on the hospital last time.
Comments 2
The downside to social healthcare is the wait lists. It took me about a month and a half to see a dermatologist. However it's better than not being able to go because you could never afford it.
Though they didn't fire me while I was on the hospital last time.
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