Picture meme

Nov 18, 2007 21:19

Picture memememe grabbed from Hellison

1. Your age

2. A place you'd like to visit

3. Your favorite place

4. Your favorite object

The text says "Do you want to be my pillow?"

5. Your favorite food

Japanese omelette, VERY tasty

6. Your favorite animal

Groenendael, also known as a black Belgian shephard. Aren't they gorgeous?

7. Your favorite color

8. The town where you were born

9. The town where you live

10. The name of a past pet

11. First name of a past love

12. Your nickname or username

Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a reasonable image when googling for "Gnillot"?

13. Your first name

14. Your middle name

15. Your last name

16. A bad habit of yours

Erm, I cheated a bit on this one. Put in the habit in Swedish instead of English as I couldn't remember the proper verb to use in English. Found this which is kinda fitting as I love eating strawberries

17. Your first job

18. Your grandmother's name

Same as my middle name but I picked another picture as putting the same one here as well would be BORING

19. Your major in college

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