Imagine what the world would be like if Christians actually read the bible. It's been known to happen before. The historic record tells us what happened in the past when Christians read the bible.
Imagine what things would be like if it happened again during our own lifetime.
But, that's impossible, you say. Christians are thoroughly indoctrinated into a cult of ignoring the bible. Even the ones who have been permitted to learn how to read cannot bring themselves to actually reading the bible. It's as if they see that enormous collection of literature as something vile, disgusting, and solely intended for use as an instrument with which to administer blunt force trauma.
Yet, it is possible that one of the pathetic creatures may someday actually take up and read that literature. When that happens, we might expect the same thing that we read about in the history of the Cathari. We should expect a resurgence of that cursed institution that the Church calls heresy. All that it takes is two or three Christians actually reading the bible and heresy happens. The Church loses all respect until it successfully slaughters the people who have been infected with the dread disease of knowing anything about the bible.
Once all of those cursed dissenters have either been put to the fire or branded as pariah people, the remaining "good" Christians can return to business as usual. That means they can peacefully worship in flesh, blood, and deceit, as the heavens intended. Only atheists read the bible. Anyone who actually reads the bible must be an atheist. They oppose the divine mandate to worship according to the will of Holy Mother Church. That makes them rotten to the corps.
But, you say, the pope actually reads the bible. Does that imply that the pope is an atheist? Perhaps he has never actually read the bible, but has convinced people otherwise. After reading the bible, the last thing anyone ever wanted was to be pope. The rumors of him having read the bible are greatly exaggerated. Rest assured, the pope will go to his whited sepulcher without having that infamous curse inflicted upon him.
We wouldn't want him to take up and read. After all, one of his cardinals would probably dispatch him before his time was up.