It seems like everything sucks at the moment. Have a toddler who has five bad days (tantrums/whining (and believe me this grates on your nerves) and then half a good day. This ratio does not seem to work
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Hello ! I have a lot of sym/empahty for how you're feeling right now - my head seems to be exploding at home with Megan as a toddler than it did as Megan as a baby - the days can just be such a frustrating round of one conversation/ tantrum and no amount of distractions cut it somedays
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ps i was thinking about the naughty cot thing - 1. that's an idea i need to instate soon (cheers). 2. Is he really tired do you think with the teething/ associated cold type symptoms they often get ? megan has actially asked to go bed several times with her current cold you see - its taken me by surprise ... then again it all too frequently leads to broken nights and/or early morninngs ? can you try rewarding him (stickers or such) for staying in his room until getting up time - someone has suggested it for megan when she's better as she's figured if shw wants me to herself she can wake me up since robyn was born.
*waves* Sorry to hear things aren't great. I shall try and get on MSN messenger more, so you can bitch freely. I shall be there about 10ish I think on Friday nite; unfortunately 6.30 was earliest train... xxx
Hey hon, I'm sorry to read that you've been having a really shitty time of it, I know I've been off the radar for a while, but rest assured, once we've got the house sorted, maybe we could catch up. Take care, xxx
Comments 4
can you try rewarding him (stickers or such) for staying in his room until getting up time - someone has suggested it for megan when she's better as she's figured if shw wants me to herself she can wake me up since robyn was born.
and men!!! grumble grumble :D
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