My 2nd tutorial. Another simple coloring one that I thought I would share since lately I've been using it on everything hehe.
Plus I'm bored and have nothing better to do then sit on my computer writing a tutorial on something that probably everyone already knows how to do. ;)
Made in Photoshop 6.0, uses selective coloring, sorry to the people who don't have it :(
Translatable to later versions!
How to go: FromTo
- Please do not claim as your own.
I don't mind you not crediting but if someone asks how you made the icon, point them towards this tut!
- Do not copy exactly
I love to share my skills but please do not take the same pic, crop it exactly, follow the tut guide lines and claim that you made it! Thats just stupid!
1. First you pick your base (duh!) I chose to use a screencap of Lorelai from one of the more recent epis of Gilmore Girls. Once you've picked your base, crop however way you feel looks best.
2. Once you've done that, you may need to sharpen it. This is optional, you may have better quality pics but if not, sharpen by going to Filters > Sharpen > Sharpen
3. Now as you probably noticed, the pic was pretty dark so I changed that by duplicating my base and setting the duplicate version to screen at 100%! This is once again optional though :)
Ok now the next (and last) few steps are mostly selective color layers and will probably have to be altered slightly to fit your pictures standards. It all depends on the coloring and setting in the pic you are using. These are the settings I used:
4. Now you go to Layers > New Adjustment Layers > Selective Color and use these settings:
C: -100
Y: +53
C: -27
Y: +26
B: +50
5. Now same as before. Layers > New Adjustment Layers > Selective Color:
C: -71
Y: +42
C: -68
Y: -16
C: +36
M: -16
Y: -30
6. This next part isn't really necessary but I thought it looked better brightened so if you choose to do exactly as I did, brighten your icon by going to Layers > New Adjustment Layers > Levels and putting in these settings:
21 : 1.28 : 255
Last step :)
7. Do the same as steps 4 and 5. Once you've gottan to your selective color section, put in these settings:
C: -47
Y: +30
C: -8
Y: -22
C: +100
M: -100
Y: +100
B: +100
M: -7
Y: -4
And you are done! :)