Title: The Chronicles of the Detective and Crook: How Two Professionals in Opposite Fields Came Together to Rule the City.
Summary: Aziraphale is a new homicide detective in the proud city of Gotham. Crowley is a crook on the lowest step of the ladder eager to work with whoever to climb up in the criminal family. Their meeting wasn't much of an
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Comments 6
I totally was not expecting this to end with a cozy scene. hehe
(I don't know Gotham at all, I confess, but I enjoyed this all the same <3 Happy Holidays!)
I love how you managed to merge GO elements with the storyline and typical Gotham things!
Bullock took point on the case and Aziraphale was basically just dragged around to look pretty.According to Bullock, the tartan scarf made it impossible to make him look intimidating
LOL! xD Aziraphale is the worst detective ever, haha!
“Seriously, you are a cop. How are you living with yourself driving under the speed limit? Do you even know what the acceleration is? Or the steering wheel?”
Of course, Aziraphale drives like a grandma. xD
“Wine?” Newt blinked. “Uh, it’s a bookstore ( ... )
Aziraphale: *spits threat* *Aziraphale don’t care. Aziraphale got words to read. Aziraphale got tea to slurp.*
“Of course, the whole discretion thing sort of blew the gasket because of your driving.”
“What do you mean you hopped into my trunk?”
“Huh? You know? Popped the trunk open and jumped in? There’s a lot of space in there for a Volkswagen, pretty comfy.”
“There are no seatbelts in the trunk!” Aziraphale nearly shrieked. Whatever Crowley had been expecting Aziraphale to take offense to; it certainly wasn’t an unsafe seat in an old car.
AHAHAHAHAHA! Also, I cannot imagine how difficult Harvey would find it to have someone as rule-following as Aziraphale for a partner. Harvey's two main hobbies are looking a bit unkempt and bending the rules a bit when convenient.
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