So theres this game... and I've been addicted for a very, very long time. So, today, I took pictures!
This a picture of all of my ships. All 61 of them. And a fort. And not including a couple broken ones.
The Americans
Barbary Corsairs
The English
Jade Rebellion
The Spanish
Now a few closeups of my favorites
With a Quarter for Size. I love this ship, she's so pretty and gloomy. (Pirate)
Whisper (Barbary Corsair) Also with Quarter. She's one of my smallest ships.
Whisper and Tripoli - my two smallest ships.
La Superbe, my big-ass 5-Mast French ship.
Meshud, a nifty looking Barbary Corsair
Lord Ketterling (5-Mast) and Malton (4-Mast) two English ships with cool colours. (what?)
I LOVE this ship - Hades Flame - A pirate ship. Look close - the masts are on fire! This is a ghost ship, meaning when in play, I can sail it through islands and such.
Fire Djinn - Barbary Corsairs - This ship is so spiffy. It's the biggest Barbary Corsair ship I've gotten (4-Masts), and just looks cool. It's also the only Barbary ship I've seen with a second deck.
Divine Wind - Jade Rebellion - My gods, I love the Jade ships, they're all classified as Junks, and they look so cool! (really hard to put together though) I'd have more, but I can't get ahold of the South China Sea boosters.
Carrion Crow - Pirate - Look close, and you see that the masts are falling apart. hehee.
For fun, A mock battle scene. (no, gameplay does NOT look like this)
My biggest ships (5-masts) all together. Left to right - Bonhamme Richards (American), Lord Ketterling (English), Victiore (Pirate) and La Superbe (French)
And fun with perspective. Heehee.
Anyone interested in playing the game -