Who do people recommend for high speed interweb access for midtown Atlanta? Just thought I'd get some opinions before choosing one over the other. Also to be noted is the fact that I won't be getting cable, so I'm looking for interweb only.
So I'm going to be moving to my new place (it is on Argonne ave, right off of Ponce) beginning of August. If anyone wishes to help me move my stuff I would be happy for the help. I love it, it is 1100 sq ft, 2 bed/1 bth with washer/drier, dishwasher, refridge, gas oven (I hate elec). It also is all hardwood floors!
Well I ended up breaking up with Heather Saturday evening. I hated doing it, but there was too much that was dissimilar between us. At least she took it better than I would have expected. Hopefully she'll still be willing to be my friend in the future. blah blah blah
I recently got into planetside. Interesting game in that it is a first person shooter (or third if you are inclined that way) that is also an mmo. Very neat in how it levels up and what you can and can't do based on what level you are. Hopefully more people may want to join me since knowing people that play makes every mmo better.
update about brain's place Just wanted to post that for now, will post more stuff later. Oh, go to my main page area to view the new gallery, it will grow in the future.