That nerd in the library who helped me understand Prithivi likes to do those journal layouts, so I said he could do mine. Now it's kinda confusing and hard to navigate. But that's a nice picture of me looking penci contimp thoughtful.
I went to Zurich for the holidays t'visit some places that mean somethin to me. Don't suppose I missed all that much class or anything important. Afterall, what the hell important ever goes on here besides the everyday evil creeps tryin' to take over the school, which it looks like may be going on again? Yeah.
Everybody was complainin' about some dreamworld thing. I don't see what the big deal is! Then again, I'm always gettin' transported to some nightmare world when I fall asleep.
Speaking of falling asleep, Paranormal class got harder. Heh. More homework. Good thing I've got a lot of experience in demonology.