I'd read the battery life on the N3DS was pretty bleargh. I wondered if, beyond novelty, if it would be worth the $ then realised, I never played with the other DS versions I'd had!! LOL
Yeah probably wasn't worth it other then to buy "Something new" as I hadn't really played with my DS since I was stuck at my parent's house recovering from an operation.
Though I hadn't bought any "Big toys" recently.
Even though I've been really tempted to start looking at cars again.
Course I'll have to wait a while before the 2010's start hitting as used. (As much as I want a new car 2009 models running at around 15,000 is much preferable to 35,000+ 2011.)
Comments 4
Though I hadn't bought any "Big toys" recently.
Even though I've been really tempted to start looking at cars again.
Course I'll have to wait a while before the 2010's start hitting as used. (As much as I want a new car 2009 models running at around 15,000 is much preferable to 35,000+ 2011.)
Still looking at PT Cruiser?
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