Okay! Everyone in Luceti more or less stable from that last experiment? Good! Maybe you're not, but we're done with all the apologies and public fallout right, right? And most of the new feathers are in by now.
Well, I'm here today to inform you about the details of a group you guys might not be super familiar with if you're new and might have some misconceptions about if you're not. That's right, I'm here to talk to you about the one and only SOS-Brigade, and what our new and revised Brigade system will be bringing to you guys. That's right, revel in our generosity, because starting now the SOS-Brigade is pooling its talent to more than every be the leg Luceti stands on!
[First things first, put up to the journal's camera is an image of the Brigade's
symbol. One that many might find familiar- it's spray-painted onto the sign for the Brigade HQ in the main plaza of town.]
So what is the SOS-Brigade, you guys might wonder? Well, normally, I'd suggest you were living under a rock because we are in the guide, and are Luceti's premiere group of anything related to entertainment over the years and did just put on a wildly successful Equinox festival, but that's actually be a question I've been asking myself lately. "What is the SOS-Brigade here in Luceti?" The Brigade was originally founded back on Earth to solve the mysteries of this world, and we still do that here! But here, a lot of those mysteries just make things more complicated and tiresome and bad - they don't do anything to live up to the name "Spreading Excitement All Over the World with Haruhi Suzumiya Brigade."
So! You want to know what we're about? Well, here's our new mission statement: "To ensure that everyone in Luceti experiences a worthwhile life. The SOS-Brigade will be there to support troubled people in whatever capacity they need to be assisted."
That's right! As of now, we're answering the SOS-es [Haha, she picks up tempo here, amused at her own pun] of the people in this village and setting out to solve their problems! Got love issues, come to us! Got problems with a friend? Come to us! Need friends? Us too! Anything and everything you might need support in we can either provide, or refer you to someone else... who, you know, is better suited for it. [...] Which isn't a lot of things, we're pretty talented!
But the point is, yes, the Brigade is about parties and events and game nights, but more than that, people, it's about people, right? The world can't overflow with fun and be saved with good cheer unless everyone's problems are solved! So come to us with a problem, we'll work it out! Just stop by our HQ and any member of my SOS-Brigade will be more than happy to work with you, and we can then work with, well, you! So that's how it is, answering the SOS of troubled people and ensuring that they actually can have fun here to some extent.
So you hear that Luceti, stop by! ..Also, because of these changes, we're also recruiting! Any potential applicants or people who need a life coach or something, speak up and we'll consider you for being welcomed into the fold.
-Additionally, is Brave Vesperia still around? I need either them or someone else who an work with a large scale carpentry job. Also, Paprika or any other therapist, ring me!
...Oh right, and any questions, ask them now.
Haruhi Suzumiya, over and out!
[The symbol moves now for her to have a big grin at the book]
[Voice // Filtered to the Members of the SOS-Brigade]
O...kay. Changes are out in the open now. Sorry, sorry, kept it under wraps until now. In light of the changes I'm asking for a sound off of everyone who isn't Leon, Keiichi, or Ayumu to speak up so I know if you're still with us for our new image. It might be a bit more demanding, yeah, but things which are rewarding usually are and we'll still have fun with it, promise! Once I know who's doing what, I'll also be appointing our new Vice-Chief and Deputy by the end of the week.
[OOC INTEL: The Brigade's revised information can be seen
here. Which can be compared to the current information
here. The current information will be replaced in the next few days with the new stuff (but I'll compile it elsewhere in case you want to review the old version for some reason). The Brigade's appointments for incoming requests are
here. Admittedly these are major changes, so their implementation might be slow. Any further questions you have though might be directed