Mudslinging with Tsubaki.
Fight club round 2 with Itachi.
BULLSHIT CLUSTERFUCK with Dante, Xingba, Luffy, Sogeking(Usopp) and 17.
Missing utensils with Near.
Here's your sign with Luffy, Gohan, 17 and
Questionable cake with Dante and Max.
Smoking is bad for you with Yki and Ryuichi.
I kinda feel like somebody's watchin' me with Prussia and Ith.
Doujinshi: do not want with Madarame and Etna.
How... wude with Mary Marvel.
Watching the trainwreck with 17, Gohan,
Spike, and
Royal Tea Party with Echo and Yuuri.
Zombie: PSA with Dante and Stein.
Morning training with Luffy.
Obnoxious singing with Roxy.
Mirror mirror with Fuura and Dante.
Don't talk tits with kids! with Dante.