oooooooh yea..... hahaha... last night rocked... sorry bout mars, i didn't even hear her..haha oye... ok, crash corse in da movie. guy gives up sex for lent b/c his g/f dumped him and he keeps havin these meaningless flings where everytime he's havin sex, he thinks this black hole is openin and goin to eat him. so he gives up sex, his coworkers start bettin on how long it'll take for him to give in. the chick he meets at the laundry place falls head over heels for him and vice versa. he fucks up relationship. gets her back several times. ends up making it to the 40th day w/like ten min, and while he's chained to the bed, his exg/f comes and has sex w/him while he's sleeping and she wins the bet. but in the end he and the laundry mat chick hook up and all is good. (it takes place in sf btw) well, that's about it. i'm still pretty foggy. i'm glad you had fun. hasta manana
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