this entry started a bit before noon on friday, and then the weekend happened; i would post a gleeful recap of the nonsense i've been up to, here.
i am, admittedly, killing time until a group talk in 20 minutes. even if i had
something obvious to do, it probably wouldn't be a drastic priority; work has
shifted me out of the lab (they're still working on fixing the laser, possibly
with new and exciting and not-for-sale, so far as we can tell, lenses) and into
the office, where i'm trying to figure out why one model (from our snifty
electromagnetic modeling program, which takes 2-3 hours to churn out each one)
disagrees drastically with our theoretical model (derived entirely by math,
thus involving physical impossibilities like a surrounding ground plane off to
infinity, and zero spacing between electrodes.) i've beaten matlab into
submission and made these things disagree only a little bit, and with trends
that suggest it's the fault of those physical impossibilities, mostly, but i
can't quite manage to be as proud of this feat, like i would if i'd spent the
past two days in the shop machining some finicky experimental setup. intangible
things, like math and code, just don't make me happy; i wish i knew why. maybe
b/c the hard integrals on my psets, well, mathematica can do them better than i
can, and it's not even human. but they haven't made robots that can make design
decisions and small innovations as well as i can, yet, and i'd rather spend my
time doing that than directing massive computing powah (TM) to solve electric
potentials. i hate administrating (administering? no, that's what doctors do.)
i really, really, really wish my cohorts in crime would get off their asses and
come to an activities midway sometime. even though cccth is by no means Serious
Business, we do have to have some semblance of events to keep justifying our
funding, and it's depressing to throw events and have no one show up. i enjoy
sitting and fucking with the heads of naive frosh, but it's more fun to talk
some noise with a sidekick. in related religious news, while walking past the
pagan students association board, they're apparently claiming not only wiccans
and satanists but also a discordian contingent. so totally baffled by
this, if they're serious, and should maybe recruit them, if not. also, push to
add the fsm into our mission statement, or something; maybe that'll get the hip
youngsters to give us a look.