Oh hey 2010

Jan 02, 2010 21:13

New Years was fun =)
Matt and I went to Maxwell's house and candy flipped, idk it was fun but I think i'd like the two separately.

Now time for a year in review:
Take the first sentence (or 2) from the first post of each month of 2007. That's your year in review. (I took a lot from the entry)

January: Take the first sentence (or 2) from the first post of each month of 2006. That's your year in review.

February:   3:19a - ...I can't but I should.
I should go to sleep . . . UGH  )


Dhole Bhaje - Hum dil de chuke sanam
Uploaded by elvina1

I wish I had an excuse to dance to this song for some event.

April: UGH
I've been sick since thursday
I don't want to be sick any more

Monday, May 4th, 2009 1:50a - Two Ay Em!!
I'm going to sleep soon. . . like 2 am . . .
That is impressive....It's quite early for me, at least two hours early, if not 3.
And I wont be woken up at 6 by a jerk turning the light on.
Also I feel like blah.
Good night moon.

[Edit: I forgot to add that I'm pretty much a terrible person]

current mood: blahsleepy
( comment on this)
  7:06p - Second Floor South Tower  
So I need to study, I dunno why I'm not right now, or I need to work on my self portrait, both are for tomorrow.
I really want to do this thing i've been doing the past few weeks tonight. I know I shouldn't. It's not even that bad of a thing, honestly it's probably the least worst thing i've done, but still, It pretty much makes me a bad person, because the people that matter won't ever know, Like my sisters, or him, or any one else that I wish to seem like a good person to.
I mean everyone at Buck plus C knows, not everyone at buck, but L and K and the rest that are sort of important, and in the loop.
I dunno, maybe i wont because it'll be inconvenient? i dunno, I wish I could be as confident as the time T and I talked about cake, I told him I could in fact have my cake and eat it too, at least take one bite out of it. That was a silly conversation. . . when we just went on about the cake metaphor.
Any way,  we'll see how the studying goes, and what needs to get done . . . and then maybe I'll make my decision, even though I pretty much made up my mind yesterday, but I think I'm too scared to do it. I mean, this is in fact why I made that other decision a week ago right? So I didn't feel bad about making this other decision? Fuck, I'm a terrible person. I do realize that this doesn't make any sense to someone who has no idea what I'm talking about.
Fat boy slim makes my life a better place. hmm..
fucking self portrait,
fucking psyc exam
shoot me now . . .
I have to shower, and maybe do that thing I want to do . . .

[Edit: Didn't]
[Edit: Wanted to tonight, but apparently can't, Eff.]
[Edit: I'm over it - decided I'd keep it 6 out of 9 and not screw up that majority]

Choreographed it myself =)

image Click to view


So, I'm leaving tomorrow, I still have to pack, I guess I should be excited about Nepal... So, Not like I update constantly, but it's my last entry for a month. hmm....Still considering packing...blah....I'll do that eventually.

The answer is a whole fucking lot.
how many times can I fuck it up?


My attempts to write in LJ more
Printshop for the rest of my life? Yeah, I think so. blah.

Good bye two year relationship. . . hello two years of recovery.

Oh hey mood elevator, you are the only thing keeping me from dying right now.

Now to distract myself from this shit with sculpture.

Note to self: do not joke about killing yourself in this situation; people will take you seriously
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