Sep 29, 2007 23:53
Happy 1 year anniversary to Jesse and me! Hearts!
May 05, 2007 20:05
Here's your chance to earn $50!
All you need to do is write a 3 1/2 to 4 page paper on Genetic Research! Please cover topics such as medical genetics, GM foods, and cloning. What are the positive and negative affects?
This is due Tuesday so start writing!!!
Apr 27, 2007 07:25
So today is my last day at West Marine.
It's been a good 4 1/2 years. I've learned a lot here.
I'm really excited about moving onto something new and different in a new city.
Apr 17, 2007 13:24
I got the job! I start May 1st. The 27th is my last day at West Marine. I'm moving in with Jesse. Timing couldn't be better!
Apr 05, 2007 14:25
Job interview today! Wish me luck!
Mar 19, 2007 07:28
I want to move to Santa Clara. I want to be with Jesse every night and I want to make more money. Santa Clara is the place I can do both those things. I'm working on it right now. Cross your fingers for me please. :)