Morning in the kitchen
You're frying an egg
I'm squeezing some oranges
The room is getting hot
Over at the counter
I shake the salt
You take out a knife
Please don't cut my testicles
Please don't cut my testicles
Please don't cut my testicles
Don't cut my testicles
It's a nice day, relax
Oh Efram, you're sexy
Right back at you, baby
Oh Efram, you're handsome
I'm serious about my testicles
At the post office
Standing in line
You wrap my package
I lick the stamp
Put it in the slot
Then close the door
But please don't slam it on my testicles
Don't slam my testicles
Please don't slam my testicles
Don't slam my testicles
It's a free country, how fun
Of Ariel, you worry
I do, I worry often
Oh Efram, come with me
Did I mention I was gay?
Don't burn off our testicles
Don't burn off our testicles
Please don't burn my testicles
So sorry, I love you