So life is going okay right now. Gaa (my grandmother), Mom and I all went down the beach for Labor Day. It was fun even if I was a bit weepy at the beginning cause I missed Alan. But I got better and we had a great time down there. Got to catch up on sleep and everything, played in the ocean until it knocked me coo-coo and then I got out and
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Yeah I lied about how much time I'm going to get on here. My life is going about a hundred miles an hour right now and the time I do get to myself is spent kinda being brain dumb. Although on a break today I DID do the special number puzzle in the Observer, and I think I got it right this time! YAY
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So I survived KY. Even if it was pretty depressing, my grandmother's going down hill and you can tell. Course it's easier for me to see b/c I only see her aobut 4 or 5 times a year. But I had a good time seeing my cousins and going to the art museum, shopping, and hanging out with my dad's friend's wife who's sweet
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So tommorow morning I'm heading off to Kentukey. To see family. That I'm not that fond of anyways. Why am I doing this you ask? My father. He is constantly guilt tripping me to do things like that. Plus, I have to prove to my family that I can go somewhere, even if it's only for 2 days
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Alright everyone, here is Leigh's first ever BB/Rae fanfic!! You may read it, or you can just go, oh fuck, not Leigh and her Teen Titans obsession again, but it would make me feel much better if you picked the first one
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