Um Heroes this might seem embarrassing but I LOVE YOU! This episode was so full of fun and awesomeness I have no idea where to begin, so lets just start with Adam.
Anders you shall be missed honey, Adam didn't deserve the death he got but man was it awesome anyway. Even though I was stunned into silence by the wonder that was Adam's hair for most of his scene. I mean it looked like he'd grabbed Elle and hung on just a little too long. And his death reminded me of that scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark when all the Nazis melted. I kept expecting Maury to look at Arthur and go. "Don't look sir, dear god don't look." ala Harrison Ford.
I'm skipping a bit because I always try to save the best for last here. Hiro and Ando, oh look the whole of fandom went as one. "CALLED IT!" Now I know most people will bitch about how it was done but I loved it. My Duo is back with their tights on, and heading off to Africa to catch African Issac....but wait what's this he has a lesson to teach and Jania goes. "FINALLY THANK YOU CLUE BUS."
I've thought for a while Hiro was abusing his power just the tiniest bit and losing touch with himself. It's nice to see the writers bring him back down to earth again. Though writers one nitpick. STOP HITTING MY HIRO WITH THINGS. What did the poor guy ever do that smacking him around is the only way to knock him out. Please haven't you guys ever heard of the Vulcan neck pinch? Use your geeky powers it's the only wayyyyyy.
Now to Claire and for the first time I get to write. "YOU GO GIRL" You and Mom kicked some massive tail together and the eye roll walking out the door to the car, that is how a real teenager acts right there. I may be alone in this, but I hope we get to see Doyle again, I loved him.
His scenes were over the top, creepy and you could tell he was totally in control and loving it. Though I would have like to have seen someone who couldn't heal get shot,I will not nag about that when Claire kicked his ass but good. And that little smirk at the end there, our cheerleader is on her way to evil folks and it's gonna be quite the ride.
YAY, for a Lyle mention too I could almost hear the kid going. "Someone mentioned me, my Spider Sense is tingling." But bad, bad Sandra using Lyle like that, the Bennet's have such an addiction to lying at this point that they really need to start up a support group. And where the hell has Noah been since Sylar was all locked up with Peter and coma Mommy. This is not the time for a vacation sir and you know it.
I was kinda blah about Matt and Speed Lady this week, though Matt did get the best line of the night with. "High five turtle." I'll admit that line made me giggle like an idiot and then some. I was wondering who gave Matt the money to go home, then I realized this is Heroes and finding logic is like a needle in a haystack sometimes. So I will keep a close eye on this storyline but leave the lovers where they are a moment, because it's time for.
THE MOHINDER SHOW! Where yet again a woman gets to save the day in a mega awesome way. I did think Speed Lady was dumb, dumb, dumb for not helping them though she'd been blah, blahing about doing the right thing most of the night. But man oh man did Tracy make up for it by being six kinds of devious and cool.
And correct me if I'm wrong someone but was Nathan's back to Mohinder when he threw the table or not because Nathan reacted like he had a touch of Spider Sense there himself. And what is up with Nathan still reacting to the drug when he collapsed like two seconds after Tracy did. I still think Nathan has more then meets the eye here people I mean it. He is Arthur's son still and as such might have a trick or two to help save the day.
And speaking of Arthur. HOW COOL AND BAD ASS IS THIS MAN. Now we know why Angela and the rest are terrified of him. He can take and keep any power he wants without side effects, basically, he's Rogue without the angst and the opera gloves.
I am convinced it is going to take no less then all three of his sons to nail this magnificent bastard to the wall. Not that I want to see that happen anytime soon, but holy mother he has two of his sons fighting each other, then he manages to take out one of them with nothing more the a frigging hug.
I'd say more about the Sylar/Peter scenes but I can't even think of them without exploding into squee so take that critics. HEROES IS BACK!
Until next week peeps, peace out