This episode broke my brain in a good way and I mostly loved it. To start I do have to say, a cocoon writers, really. I believe that whole scene was designed to get Mohinder naked and gooey. Can you say fan service boys and girls, Miss Jania can and it makes her very happy to do so.
But anyone who thinks Mohinder is cured can line up over there, so that I can slap you. *points& I refuse to believe after all that formula stuff that Mohinder can wrap up in some wall webbing and be back to his pretty, dumb self.
And what about him looking Maya up and running off to find her in Mexico or where ever Arthur sent her. *sighs* It looks like we all jumped the gun on the "Maya stays alive" train. Oh Mohinder remember Sylar and how creepy he was to you, it might be smart not to do the same thing to Maya that's how you wind up in jail honey.
Moving on to Matt, Daphne, Hiro and Ando. First I have to say HEE! *composes self* It is adorable how Hiro seems to have latched on Matt like his big brother. Masi did an amazing job bringing across Hiro's innocence and I giggled like a fool every time Hiro said "Holy Crap," because Ando and Matt looked so annoyed when he said it. Well boys he does think he's ten, so maybe you should curb the bad words until he gets his memory back.
I did not see Daphne's plot twist coming but her loving that medal Hiro dangled in front of her earlier makes a lot more sense now. If you can't walk being able to run and win a medal for it must have given her such a ego boost. And it is nice to see a Heroes parent who is not evil or just a jerk. His comment about Matt's little head tilt was laugh out loud funny and I could see him roll his eyes at his daughter when she said go away the first time.
I swear he was thinking. "Honey do you know anything about lying, because you stink at it." I pray with all my heart that he doesn't turn out an abusive moron or die any time soon because man I love Mr. Millbrook so much.
Oh and Matt, I love and adore you you big lug but you love Daphne already, please. I know you haven't had one relationship that hasn't gone down in flames, but using the three little words just to get into a woman's childhood home just screams "date rape" honey and Daphne was equally dumb for letting you in based on that.
Oh and OZ AND JON ARBUCKLE WERE IN THIS EPISODE *dances* I can tell I am going to love these two so hard.
Next we have Sylar and Elle and I say YAY! 'Bonnie and Clyde' is one of my favorite movies and I love the idea of these two running around and causing mayhem while having lots of hot, hot sexing. And double yay for the return of crazy, calculating Elle with the rental car guy. I swear Kristin was fighting the urge to have Elle jump up and down when Sylar said. "I hate heroes," that's how cute and creepy that scene was.
But what is with Heroes and it's shotgun obsession. I find it very hard to believe that a shotgun like the rental clerk had is standard issue at Hertz. I'm begging you writers please visit your local gun shop, there are other weapons out there other than tasters and shotguns, thank you.
Oh Noah and Claire *head desks* Okay writers I get that Claire is one catalyst but I find it very hard to believe Katio didn't leave a journal or two around with a hint to who the other catalyst is so that you know you guys could protect him/her too. *looks in a certain flying man's direction, since you know he fathered Claire and all.*
It looks like the Bennet's have joined the list of 'Bad Touch Families' with that scene in the Canfield's house, thank god Jack Coleman has sexual chemistry with half the actors on the show too otherwise I would be really, really grossed out.
And thank you Noah for deciding it was okay to vandalize Stephan's house, it's not like his family has the right to still own it or anything and might be selling it soon.
Oh and not taking your daughter to the hospital after it should have been obvious she wasn't healing IN THE CAR was just beyond stupid sir and also not to harp on the Sylar thing, but how was it his fault Claire got shot again he was trying to reason with you.
And finally the Petrelli show with a side dose of Tracy and the Haitian Sensation. Oh Tracy I don't want to hate you but I can't help it you are that dumb. So Nathan is nothing more then a means to an end for you huh, nice to know that Nathan's taste in women still sucks.
And that Angela/Tracy scene. *giggles madly* Angela totally has Tracy's number and may be handing her a thermos full of soup pretty soon.
I loved how Arthur's drawings actually have a different style then Issac and his African counterpart. Not that I don't love Tim Sales but not everyone does not draw the same way.
Oh Nathan and Peter, that fight in the jungle has been coming for two seasons and I for one was happy to see Nathan go there. I was surprised at Nathan's missing his powers, maybe someone is starting to feel a little insecure without them maybe.
Also the screen was so dark that after Nathan and Peter dragged themselves out of the lake and Nathan took off his coat or dress shirt to tie it around his waist I went. "Nathan no not here," then my mind got off the brotherly love train and realized what he was really up to.
One last note, I was amazed at the Padsar's ability to take a punch once again, that man made it look like he got cold cocked so well I flinch each time I watch the scene. Well done sir, well done.
See you next week folks and happy Thanksgiving for those that celebrate it!