Heroes Episode Twelve-Yeah I Know I skipped one shut up

Dec 10, 2008 22:55

I debated weither to do this or not as certain story lines were not of the meta making kind. Also I am still fighting the sinus infection that killed last weeks funny, so please bare with me.

That being said, Claire how dumb are you. You openly mess with your own timeline, there by possibly mess up your future and you are cool with this...... I wanted Claude to walk into that apartment and give the whole room a good smack with his intelligence stick. Not that it would have done any good, but still the option would have been there.

And damm Noah for listening to a teenager who he knows lied to him and randomly inserted herself into his life, well done sir now please hand back your "Too Smart for this Shit," membership card and taser, thank you.

Loved Past Sandra to pieces even though she got a dose of stupid pills for once and Hiro once again proved he can make any actor better simply by being in a scene with them. *looks at Claire pointedly*

Speaking of Hiro, Masi needs that Emmy stat, he and the woman playing his mom broke my heart into tiny pieces and I swear Heroes actually made me cry with this episode. I loved Isih's faith in her son and the scene where she dies had me sobbing like a little girl.

Could have cared less about Matt, Daphne and Ando, because it was both quick and pointless. We really needed to see that book huh. Thanks once again for stating the obvious in your comic book Issac. Also, Louie De Palma clone, so not cool stealing both money and packages from people, you deserved to get your ass handed to you by a blonde Flash.

Sylar was spot on this episode, that scene in the elevator was squee worthy, thought Sylar honey running around an office with all that blood on you was bound to have drawn more attention then you should have wanted so why the hell didn't you use the stairs. Also killing Tina Fey's twin sister was so not cool, I hope her co-workers threw that cake at your head.

And finally the Family Petrelli, wow I didn't know who to hate more, Arthur for lying, Angela for making Peter shoot his father or Nathan for listening to Tracy and generally being an ass. Nathan's hair gave him a pass this episode I couldn't stop staring at it the whole time he was on screen. Tracy really needs to die, I hated every word that came out of her mouth, please Sylar want her power please and soon.

Arthur is not dead until we see a body go bye bye, besides he's too much of a bad ass to be felled by a bullet not with the Jack Harkness glowy moment he had at the end there. I predict he will be back at some point and lay the smack down on all three of his sons/possible sons (I still question Nathan's parentage on the father front given what we know about powers and how they are passed on.)

I loved the return of bad ass Peter coupled with wise Haitian it was like a twisted version of the Star Wars prequels, but uh Sylar Peter did kill his father because HE SHOT THE GUN. *sighs* Heroes and logic are sometimes strange bedfellows.

Silent Mohinder was a nice change and his cold "Meh" look at Solider Boy was pretty darn cool, it looks like Monster Man is finally getting a clue.

Volume Three finale next week and I promise to be funnier then. See you next week!

squee, meta, heroes

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