And so here we are at the half way point through my first year of metaing Heroes and all I can say is HOLY HELL! We lost some great people, saw others lose their brains without Sylar's help and quite a few of us wanted to storm a certain show creator's house. *sighs* Good times all around.
To start, Sylar monologues and Jania's lady parts explode in delight. Dear god Zach you have the world's sexiest voice, please come over and read my printer manual, you'll make fixing the darn thing a hell of a lot more fun. Also Adrian honey stop making me want to run over to your house every time you take a punch, I don't own a first aid kit.
Anyway, Hiro is stuck in the past on a flag pole, with a pigeon and I wonder where the hell Claude is at. Dear god with all the Claude hints, shout outs and nods we got this season, Tim seems to be screaming "CHRIS COME BACK WE NEED YOU TO SAVE MY SHOW." Now if only my Claude dreams would come true.
The Hiro/Young Hiro team up was adorable like a kiddy version of "Ocean's Eleven," without the slash, food or money. But I did have one beef, what the hell was the point of getting rid of the formula in the present guys, the DAMAGE HAD BEEN DONE ALREADY. *sighs* This is why we need Claude and the logic stick back ASAP people I mean it.
I actually liked Ando's power *gasp, shock and so on.* He's been Mr. "Tag Along Guy" for a while so it would make sense his power would reflect it. However, what the heck was Ando doing to the table that his Kool Aid like lighting would zap it for no reason.
Maybe the table was another Candice and now he/she/it is stuck like that forever. *mock gasp* Oh no they'll be stuck being metal and carrying things in a boring way....kinda like Mohinder only he has scales.
Speaking of Lizard Boy, a lovely splash of gooey jello and he's back to his pretty self *sigh* Maybe now he'll get his brain back too....oh wait no he seems to have teamed up with Crazy Tracy so I guess not.
As for Tracy she got punched, dumped, killed a guy and fired all in an hour. I think Nathan goes after her just because she managed to piss off the whole fan base in a matter of a few episodes. *raises a glass* Here's to you Ali, may the next triplet/clone you play actually start out with a spine and keep it for a whole season.
Over in horror movie knock off land, Noah, Fire Mommy, Queen of the Bitches Angela Petrelli and Claire all get locked in a building together, while fans worldwide fight the urge to kill the writer who came up with the idea that adrenaline=power trigger.
I know more people have said this better then I will but DRUGS WEAR OFF WRITERS. If Meredith had really been fighting her urges for that long the building should not have blown up but then again who can resist the urge to have shit blow up during a finale, it's like one of the ten commandments now. "Thou shalt have shit blow up with people inside, God commands it."
Sylar is creepy as a Jigsaw clone and learns what we already knew that both Arthur and Angela are big fat liars who are really well dressed. Though I loved that Ms. Rose could turn off the fear with a blink of an eye. Angela: *terrified and crying,* *eye blink* I could poison you at the drop of a hat. I want her in the Heroes White House, that woman could whip the place into shape in ten seconds with a simple offer of soup.
Claire confirms that Petrelli's have a shot gun kink ingrained in their DNA and decides that Fire Mommy, who showed up out of nowhere again deserves her love when Nathan, who saved the world twice gets squat. Nice going cheerleader, you have learned how to stab parents in the back, Noah must be so proud.
Noah is dumb again for thinking killers can be reasoned with and Sylar passes up the chance to make him dance like the puppet he is. However, this means we get to see much more of creepy puppet dude so I am all for it.
Matt and Daphne served as nothing more then plot devices to get Hiro and Ando from Point A to Point B thought what the hell was African Issac doing there at the end. Don't tell me he wanted all this to happen, because that is creepy even for a dead guy. Was I the only one thinking the turtle should have been there too, because he was the one that started it all.
And last but not least my lovely Petrelli boys. It was nice seeing Peter get his backbone back even though his blind love for Nathan makes me sad. I flinched when Nathan beat the daylights out of his baby brother with a pipe no less. I betcha they don't teach that in the Navy.
Oh and writers if Nathan and Peter are really as straight as you say they are, then please no more lines like "You broke my heart," also don't let your actors get close enough to kiss in the middle of a dark wood, that just screams romance novel. When Peter was looking up into the sky after Nathan I kept expecting him to scream "NATHAN," ala Tony in West Side Story.
Nathan, honey I know you are trying to do right by God and all but hunting people really that isn't villainous, it's more like a little boy on the playground dragging people off to jail because they picked him last for dodge ball.
But the writers get a pass on that because they picked Worf himself, Micheal Dorn to play the President in Heroes land. One line and the man manages to creep out Nathan and me in the same breath. I hope we see a lot more of him too because Dorn also has a lovely voice and I have plenty of household manuals that need reading.
It's been fun folks, see you in February and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!