Back in meta land and I am jazzed people really. I didn't think I was gonna like Nathan as a villain but you know what Adrian rocks it and makes him seem as conflicted as he should be.
You could tell Peter was his last hope for a normal life himself and he was almost crying when he lost it. Though Milo honey please don't use the words "Gonna kiss my ass," then keep the scene going. I swear I giggled for a minute solid after Peter said that. And Nathan's look right after that was like "OKAY, which way to the bedroom!" Yes I know I'm 12 shut up.
Hiro and Ando continue to be awesome and Hiro once again gets to be a stage dad, only this time he brings out motorcycles and spandex instead of princesses and gold like he did with Adam. Though when it comes to the password thing my first thought was Charlie then Ando, I know me the consomme slasher thought of a het ship first. *faints* I love that Ando didn't get caught, it's gonna make an awesome plot line to watch him go through the heroes journey on his own.
I loved the callbacks to the pilot, though I am deeply sad we will most likely never see Peter's paramedics uniform ever again. But damm did he look good didn't her girl. I swear Nathan snuck a peek or two at Peter in the apartment, it fit the man that well.
Claire continues to be a moron, I mean really walking down a street in New York, talking about super secret plan ON HER TRACEABLE CELL PHONE. Not only that she leads the government right to one of the people they are looking for, sneaks onto a plane when she really shouldn't know how and stages a escape attempt in MID AIR. Claire what did you think was gonna happen honey, only one person on the plane can fly without a pilot's license and honey it ain't you.
It makes me wonder what else Nathan and Angela have on HRG that he would turn on everyone himself. Though this is going to make an interesting rest of the season once Mohinder confirms Noah was the one who nabbed him.
Sylar manages to out bad ass everyone and he was onscreen for maybe ten minutes. I was shocked at how old his adopted Dad was though. I pegged him for Sylar's grandpa until he said dad. I was like "With that taste in music oh hell no." I was mentally begging Sylar not to kill him simply because I love big band music, hand to God.
Mohinder seems to have gotten his brain back and lowered his voice an octave. Other than that he and Tracy got taken down too quick for me to really miss them that much. Can't say I like Peter's new way of taking a power much but I'm guessing that they needed to show it this time around. I did wish we didn't need to watch Tracy strip for the start of the show, I may like chicks but I really don't wanna see boobs right off the bat thanks.
And what was up with the shots looking in Nathan's ear and nose on national TV. If ABC did that I'd watch Charlie Gibson a heck of a lot more.
Was kinda meh about Matt but maybe I'll like him more when he goes on the lovely road trip with his ex boyfriend.
Adore the Hunter and loved that little "sup" moment he and Noah did over Monhinder's body, I can tell those two might have history. Maybe another one of Noah's "partners" And with this show's history of subtext it's a possibility. Any man who can be sexy and creepy in the same moment gets my worship right off the bat and the Hunter had it in spades. He's pissed and out for blood.
That's all for now folks, see you next week!