We start with another awkward Bennet family meal, breakfast this time and suddenly I have to stop watching because I want some waffles thank you show. Anyway, Sandra has once again been lied to, Lyle has his once a volume appearance and we learn Rebel wants Claire's help to save some random guy. Meanwhile I yell at the screen, Remember West, Claire honey, remember West.
I like Alex, really I do, he seems like a nice down to Earth guy who seemed really freaked out to be staying in a girl's closet, yay realism. Now if the writers could you know keep him like able Heroes might actually be able to carry on a romance not made of subtext.
Noah finally gets called out by his wife for being a lying liar who lies and even though he did everything he claimed never to do again, Claire forgives him. I love that Sandra called Noah on his lies and kicked him out of the house to boot. *hands Ms. Bennet a bottle of bubble bath and a bottle of red wine.*
If Noah had had her memory wiped again I may have had to take down that poster of him I have hanging in my room. For shame sir, your family has done everything you asked them to do and yet you still treat them like idiots, you deserve to have your drink drugged honestly.
Sylar continues to be a major bad ass with a heart and shares Dean Winchester's taste in music to boot. Luke lies a lot, which for some odd reason wins Sylar over in ten minutes and makes me wonder if Luke owns a Sylar poster and where I can get one.
Anyway, it appears Sylar does have some memories of dear old daddy kins and that Daddy seems to have latched onto Luke, possibly out of guilt or possibly making 30 years worth of presents up to his son with one piece of jail bait who knows.
Hiro and Ando run off to India, without Mohinder which is odd, because it's not like he used to live there or anything and could you know help them with the culture. Anyway, Ando manages to stop a wedding cold by being his wonderful charming self, then promptly gets kidnapped after a thank you nosh from the bride.
Hiro then has to run off and save his boyfriend and makes up for three volumes of getting punched in the face, by knocking out the groom and his whole fan base cheers wildly.
Nathan meanwhile amps up his hotness and slash levels by having more sexual chemistry in his little finger then half the cast put together. I am so close to begging for Nathan/Hunter slash I am ashamed of my joy and passion for a ship for the first time ever.
Nathan also gets massively railroaded by his new boss Abby, but my het radar gives it about three more episodes before they are doing the horizontal mambo given Abby went from "bitch please" to "oh god I think your hot" mode in about ten seconds flat.
Peter, Mohinder and Matt are on screen for a second and I am sad because when I saw the shaking glass and thought CLAUDE, YAY! Sorry boys.
See you all next week!