Bryan Fuller returns to Heroes and gives us an episode so full of mind fuckery that I wonder if I've turned on Lost by mistake.
To start Danko gets a present of one puppet man all tied up with a red ribbon and I wonder two things. 1)How the hell did Sylar get in and out of Danko's apartment so fast and 2} When did he take serial killer lessons from Dexter?
Danko then takes full credit for the capture and Noah gives him his best "bitch please I wasn't born yesterday" Then they discuss Rebel and Danko sends Noah off to fetch and carry and I forget what they were talking about because I was distracted by the wonder of Mohinder's stubble. It made him even prettier and killed off a few brain cells at the same time, well done writers.
Angela continues to be awesome and adding Ms. Kurtz just added to the fun. It was like Valley of the Dolls only twenty years down the road and with more sock stealing. I also loved how unfreaked out that guy was when Angela grabbed his arm. In fact he looked really thrilled to have a woman on his arm and I wondered when the last time he got any was.
Peter was made of win saving his mommy dearest and is such a New Yorker for deciding to hide in the Statue of Liberty. I wonder if he was fulfilling a childhood fantasy one of those "I'm gonna run away and join the circus" deals.
Tracy discovers who Rebel is and says 'If I'd known it was you' twice allowing the fans to yell at the screen "WE DID." Noah Gray Cabey also proves that you cannot be on Heroes and not become hot at some point. I loved that his voice has gotten deeper and the writers let it. It's such a nice call back to DL and makes me miss Leonard Roberts so much I had to pull out my Season One DVD's to deal with my grief.
The ice scene was of course awesome and I don't think we have seen the last of Miss Strauss, because there is a Spider Man villain who can do what she just did so it's a gimmy she'll be back.
Hiro and Ando were levels of adorable that were off the sugar charts and then some. I didn't think I'd like Baby Matt, but it was really well done and a nice way for Hiro to start to get his powers back. Not only that but they managed to tie in the Isih plot nicely causing me to wimper and cry into my herbal tea as I watched. And ANDO WATCHES DR. PHIL, haha it made me wonder if he was one of those people who try to get tickets all the time. I bet he even made Hiro go to a taping on their first road trip.
Glad to see Janice back though I'm still wondering if she lied to Matt about her baby Daddy just to protect him or if she kicked his cheating ass out over Mohinder and he lied to save face. They wouldn't be the first couple to divorce over a hot Indian guy it's nothing to be ashamed of you two.
Speaking of Matt, WTF show. You turned a lovable cop with daddy issues into a whiny needy SOB who clings to a relationship after three days and dumps the guy he spent four months living with. Not only that you give HIM the Lois Lane/Superman romantic flying scene. As my girlfriend's mom put it. "How on earth would a guy like Matt be able to get off the ground with his size."
You have two gentleman who you know, FLY IN REAL LIFE and instead of giving it to one, or if the fangirls have anything to say about it, both of them together, you give it to Matt. The scene was so gooey and sweet half the cotton candy makers in the United States have now gone out of business.
I'm most likely alone in this but I am glad Daphne is gone, she was nothing but a plot point and it will be nice to see Matt get back to the man we know he can become.
Sorry this was so late RL killed me.