really don't know what to say about this episode. There were things I liked, things I hated and things that made me want to spork my eyes out. I loved the guest stars, Doctor Who starring Doctor Lady, Emma and Captain Kick Ass aka Ernie Hudson really brought home the realism. In fact, Captain Kick Ass and Doctor Who Doctor Lady were the only things that saved Sylar's storyline from being yawn inducing.
He's good, crazy, powered and blank as Echo.....wait didn't we do this last season show....and the year before that. I guess Tim needed some monkeys in the writers room after all those lay offs. Anyway, Sylar freaks out, throws Captain Kick Ass through the window, steals Doctor Lady's car, gets shot again, and runs away right into Samuel of the Great Sexiness and his Carnival of Super Freaks.
As for Samuel: WAFFLES AND MONOLOGUES, that is all. Oh and Molly appears to be working at the carnival. Bad, bad Mohinder no more foster children for you.
Gretchen is more creepy then ever only none of it is her fault, she's just a screwed up goth lesbian without a password on her computer.. Oh and it turns out Becky, house leader is a Super Freak and some how Samuel's niece. Thank god Heroes did a real plot twist and I like female crazy Claude....does she have a thinking stick too?
Peter continues to be a dumb ass, not only does he not know a deaf person when he sees one, he ignores Angela's worry about Nathan not answering his calls or hers and blows off her attempt to talk about the situation. As much as I love you hot mama, NATHAN IS MISSING PLEASE GIVE A DAMM. And Angela way to pass up the chance to tell the truth. I really hope the spoilers about a major death coming up mean the writers plan on finally letting Adrian loose, because this storyline is the cruelest thing I've ever seen the writers do....and I sat through Claire's bad wig without remarking once.
I will admit the piano playing was amazing and the hints of Emma's back story pulled me in nicely, but writers Nathan is dead, his body is missing and the man playing his face is now in Maryland...DEAL WITH IT. Have Angela crack, let Peter and Claire mourn Nathan for the man he was, then get back to the Sylar love fest. The more you ignore what you created the more pissed off fans will become, because you are doing both actors a great disservice by making them spout this crap.
Hiro pops into Peter's apartment and faints, the kiss grosses me out for some odd reason and I'm a lesbian and Matt is still missing thank god. At least the writers got one thing right, chocolate milk in college is really awesome. Let's hope the writers are too.