You dont like Noah or Sylar but you do like Claire and Peter? You are mixing up the two best and two worst characters on the show. I wish they would kill Claire off already. She is soooo lame with her "I am owed so much" and "I should take on the world; girl power!" attitude. Peter's mouth just bugs the crap out of me. And when he has to have scenes with the mute its like watching heros through the eyes of special ed. Sylar killing people is the best part of this show, whether you want to admit it or not. Noah is full of twists and turns. You love to hate them. I just wish the writers did not tone this shit down. I am also happy there are not more like minded 'writers' (not women) as you writing the show or we would be watching soap operas for nickelodian. My email is if you feel the need to backlash at my comments, but I feel they are right no point.
I haven't watched the episodes (and I don't think I'll do anytime soon) but I love your review! (here from heroes-meta friends list :))
There is no conceivable reason why he wants her or thinks he does, unless the Nathan memories in his head were downloaded from the internet.
Ah ah but all heroes plot nowdays are ripped from some badfic :D :D
This is why there needs to be more women in the writer’s room just so we can hit some of these guys with a newspaper and go “No…no more bad sex scenes, bad writers, bad” every time they type a sentence.
and have them (the male writers) whine about how hard is being a male in the industry? no thanks.. (kidding)
I know, every time I turned around their was a bad fan fic plot cropping up from the Paire roof top scene to the slow fly away. This is why most journals should be friends lock. *grins*
All in all you didn't miss much by watching the first hour dragged and everyone but the Carnies acted stupid.
Comments 4
Come back anytime and we can talk about the right way to write a female character.
There is no conceivable reason why he wants her or thinks he does, unless the Nathan memories in his head were downloaded from the internet.
Ah ah but all heroes plot nowdays are ripped from some badfic :D :D
This is why there needs to be more women in the writer’s room just so we can hit some of these guys with a newspaper and go “No…no more bad sex scenes, bad writers, bad” every time they type a sentence.
and have them (the male writers) whine about how hard is being a male in the industry? no thanks.. (kidding)
All in all you didn't miss much by watching the first hour dragged and everyone but the Carnies acted stupid.
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