Application for Micro

Sep 06, 2009 08:09


Character Name in Subject of Comment
Character Name: Aizen Sousuke
Series: Bleach
Point in canon: As he leaves Hueco Mundo to go to the Living World
Character Background and Personality: Aizen was born in the Soul Society (the spirit world to which departed souls are transported); a noble by birth. Births in the afterlife are rare, and perhaps as a result of this he has always considered himself to be better than others, and he has little respect for fragile human lives; or anyone else's, for that matter.

From the beginning he has been a meticulous planner with an eye for the behaviour of others, quickly categorising them in such a way as to better use them for his own rise to power. Threats to his plans are neutralised when they occur, as with Orihime. The powers she manifested - to literally reject things that had happened - he considered to be infringing on god's domain, so he neutralised the threat by taking her from her friends and locking her in Hueco Mundo. This is a world in which Hollows (the souls of the dead that have transformed into monsters, by way of succumbing to their despair, spending too long unpurified after their death, or being eaten by other Hollows) reside. This by extension allowed him to neutralise Ichigo - also a threat - by effectively locking he and his friends in when they came to rescue her. As a result of all of this, nothing happens without his prediction of the course that events will take. When it does, he finds it interesting, demonstrated by his persisting curiosity regarding Ichigo (something that both Hitsugaya, Ulquiorra and he himself have mentioned. As he leaves Soul Society he mentions wishing to deal with Ichigo at his own leisure when he returns), and this is likely to be mirrored in his playing games with whomsoever has caught his interest.

Joining the Shinigami Academy (Shinigami are responsible for transporting souls to the Soul Society and purifying Hollows; the Academy is literally that, a place in which those with an aptitude are trained to become Shinigami) Aizen stood out in each of his classes, but never displayed his true abilities except to attract attention from the right people. He was good at Kidou (demon magic), talented at zanjutsu (swordplay), fast (he can use Shunpo - or flash step - a kind of speed that is invisible unless you've been trained to follow the movement) and his zanpukutou (spirit sword) was powerful; even though it would be more than a century before he revealed its true nature. Although he claimed that it could use fog and reflections to confuse the enemy, in reality Kyouka Suigetsu was a more perfect match for him; its true ability to totally hypnotise whomsoever saw its release, through all five senses, permitted him to manipulate the people around him, opening up new horizons and ways to achieve them. His sword's abilities do not work on people who can't see the release, and so Tousen - who is blind - has been subdued with promise of his path being the one of lesser bloodshed. (A.N. Kyouka Suigetsu's power might need to be worked down in game, but hopefully we can discuss that if you accept him).

Becoming a Shinigami seemed the only acceptable step toward the power he knew he would inevitably have. Achieving it was all simply a way to keep his mind busy, and in that he found a kindred spirit in Gin, also rising swiftly up the path to power for his own entertainment. He was a natural choice for a Lieutenant when Aizen became Captain. Aizen is always watching for someone exceptional, but he hasn't found anyone since who fits the bill -- most will only be his tools; disposable like his Espada. In the end he has no need for any of them.

Going on to conquer Hueco Mundo is only one more advancement. His destination is in sight -- to fill the 'unbearable vacancy of the throne in the sky' -- if that is indeed his destination.

He can be cruel, often simply because he can, and there is a swiftly passing interest in the games that he can play with people; particularly with their emotions. He encourages admiration from an easily influenced young Hinamori, taking her as his Lieutenant and nursing her affection for him in such a way that she even turns against her friends when he fakes his own death. As a final farewell to her he allows her to see him again before he leaves, and comforts and embraces her before running her through and leaving her for dead. As ruthless as he can be, he can be pleasant company, encouraging Orihime to smile despite her predicament. An incredibly good actor - he's had to be to maintain his game so well for the last century - he will employ himself as he must to progress his perfectly laid plans. He is often mysterious, extremely convincing, and his smile sometimes conveys more than words can, even if it never reaches his eyes. Patience is a virtue he has in spades, but while it is possible to eventually push him too far, as Grimmjow does when he attempts to leave a meeting without permission, he responds only with his spirit pressure, and never raises his voice.

Sexual Orientation: Aizen is a master manipulator. When it comes to his sexuality, the fact that he is an attractive man - that he can slip between the ideals of the perfect gentleman to the dominating villain - allows him to take advantage of every aspect of his gender. In canon he clearly encourages the affection and even blind adoration of others - Hinamori, for instance, whose interest in him is described as 'adoration', and he keeps the company of two attractive, well endowed female Arrancar - Loly and Menoly - that are apparently devoted to him and jealous of his human prisoner, Orihime, attacking her twice to proove that she isn't good enough for him. Aizen is on a plateau of his own, and therefore can never consider anyone to be his equal, though of all those in canon Gin is the only one not to have been manipulated, putting him a step closer than others. While he would use his sexuality as a means to an end, canon makes it clear that he has a leaning toward the company of women.

Sample Post:
Dressing in his own clothing once more had been a sanctimonious pleasure considering the state he had been in; the fragile white clothes, such as they were, were folded neatly on the bed once he had removed them, each moment spent in quiet contemplation of the words that had sounded in the back of his head. The very last thing he had known was the journey through the Garganta to the Living World; the black chasm had opened and he had stepped into it, not realising that it would be the last thing he'd see before this.

He'd woken to a ceiling, the chill of cool air against his skin, and an unfamiliar sensation in the back of his head that almost resembled an approaching headache while being completely painless. Then that voice, saying words that could not be real into the back of his head. Commanded? By whom? Did they have any idea who he was?

If he was at all angry it was subdued, overwhelmed by his curiosity. As much of a concern as this was, whoever had captured him and changed his clothes and spoken into the back of his head was real; and though they clearly had powers he hadn't been prepared for, he would not be caught off guard again. Once he understood them he would simply take them for himself -- in the very slim likelihood that this was real, and not simply some kind of revolution by Kyouka Suigetsu.

That 'slim likelihood' vanished when he consulted the laptop.

An experiment? No -- a sexual experiment? Perhaps as close to actively expressing outrage as he could be, Sosuke tightened his hand around the grip of his zanpukutou where he had attached it at his side, where it was supposed to be. They would eventually learn that returning him his weapon was their most vital error, just after involving him in this 'experiment' in the first place.
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