Pilot 02: Information Set 2

Oct 13, 2008 14:24

Name: Duo Maxwell
Age: 15
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue/Purple
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 94.5 lbs
Bloodtype: B

Medical info: Duo Maxwell is an extremely fit young teenage male, though on the smaller side due to his less-than-ideal past and the sort of work he has been trained for. While it's likely that he has various minor-to-medium injuries from both piloting his gundam and being involved in battle and from having recently been captured and imprisoned by OZ, they are no longer bad enough to inhibit his actions.

Physical Traits: Duo's most noticeable feature is his long brown braid (estimated to be about three feet long). He also has blue eyes that appear purple in some lighting and fair skin. He is of generic American/white mutt origin, and as the name Maxwell was one he chose for himself, his exact genetic makeup is unknown.

While not all his icons depict this (*cue great frustration on the mun's part*), he wears an all-black priest's uniform, a nod to his childhood spent in the church orphanage.

What's Okay to Mention: Most things. Duo's pretty talkative. He'll appreciate the company most times.

(What's Not Okay to Mention:) "The Maxwell Church Tragedy", overly enthusiastic ideas (or ideals) about war and peace, negative comments about his Gundam (unless you actually know what you're talking about and want to get technical with the input/output or whatever and aren't just being a little bitch).

Notes For the Psychics: That cheerful face? Quite possibly a mask. His not-so-distant childhood wasn't exactly a walk in the park.

Hugging/Kissing/Nicknaming: Sure/Sure/Sure. He's totally fine with the first and the last, although the kissing will probably confuse him. He might be a world-famous terrorist, but he's still just a fifteen year old boy, after all. D:

Maiming/Killing/Death: Ask first? ;-;

Other facts: Oh yeah. His Gundam. God damn it's actually got its own Wikipedia page.

He brought Deathscythe Hell with him, the second of the three versions of his Gundam from the series and AMV. I don't know if this will ever get used, but DAMN I needed to bring it. I mean, seriously. Deathscythe Hell is AWESOME. ♥

It'll probably spend most of its time being hidden away somewhere.


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