Oct 01, 2021 21:00
- Thu, 14:00: 15+ years ago I got a misdemeanor for being in a park after park hours. Just being there, but not committing any other crime. Misdemeanors stay on your record for life. Someone just called me a "career criminal" and I'm speechless. I've never even been pulled over by a cop before
Aug 31, 2021 21:00
- Mon, 16:23: @ WatcherDev I want to play an alt on WoW so badly but the covenant leveling system is too time consuming & doesn't make me feel like my time is valuable. I wish there was a way for the system to recognize the highest achieved lvl and make it account wide regardless of covenant...
Aug 30, 2021 21:00
- Sun, 20:22: @ Mereshas Hey! Thank you for the follow. 💙 Given that we run in similar circles I'm surprised we're just finding one another; you seem pretty awesome!
Aug 26, 2021 21:00
Aug 12, 2021 21:00
- Wed, 23:19: @ MYXfitness can you please provide an update on when you're re-releasing the Android app that you took down 12/2021? I bought this bike with the intent to use my Android phone with it, but 8 months in and I'm still waiting... $29 dollars a month to be limited to the bike... 😩