.mun related questions.
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chasingthewinds, though rarely used.
EMAIL: commandgold[at]gmail[dot]com
AIM: commandgold
MSN: londoninautumn@msn
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I feel like I must input something funny and amusing to catch attention. Alas, I'm not the most interesting person, so a cat will have to do.
.character related questions.
Arthur Kirkland.
England, or if you would prefer, The United Kingdom of Great Britain.
He graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University of Oxford in 2008, with a first professional degree in Jurisprudence.
He was fined several times for public intoxication, though he has never been taken to jail for it. Beyond this, his criminal record is clean. That's not to say he's a squeaky clean fellow -- Arthur just has a very quick-thinking mind and enough knowledge of the law not to get caught.
Not particularly. After losing his law firm, he had little choice in the matter.
Arthur's specialty lies in providing a very consistent, clear argument - whether it be for a sales position in promoting a product, or more along the lines of his recent position as a lawyer. He is well-versed in literary arts, and writes very well. His imagination is somewhat extensive and by that same token, incredibly strange - his ideas can either be innovative or childlike, depending on the circumstances.
Arthur, upon first impression, is very succinct and pointed. He's very...well, British - polite, in a somewhat condescending manner, quick to judge and nearly impossible to sway from his very own first impressions of others. He's cynical and difficult to work with, often foul-mouthed and somewhat cruel if it suits his purposes. Arthur is, in a word, a pessimist - believing that there are few, so very few good people in this world, and that most people are only kind to try and get something out of you.
His relationships are hardly healthy - often times, Arthur tends to be controlling and overbearing, his ambition outweighing his desire to be loved or liked. If he can use a person to get ahead, he will. He tends to suffer bouts of being melancholy for long periods of time, often wishing for simpler days before paperwork and frustrating employees, interns, co-workers: anyone that he spends time with on a regular basis. Truthfully, Arthur tends to isolate himself, working diligently on tasks until they are completed, often taking the lead role in group assignments and doing everyone's work for them. He's an isolationist - often stating at times that he enjoys being alone, when really, he's very lonesome. Unfortunately, he also has quite a few trust issues when others are involved, always second-guessing their intentions.
He enjoys working, incredibly so. Arthur enjoys quite a bit of things too much, actually, having quite an addictive personality that has never been very healthy for him. Whether it's sweets or several cups of tea, needing tea to start the morning, needing alcohol in the evening to put his busy mind at ease, Arthur has difficulty with taking things in moderation. He struggles at time with alcoholism, often stumbling drunk home from bars after a long night.
That is to say, not everything about him is bad or detrimental to his health and those around him. Arthur can be a very kind and generous person, if he feels the urge. When Arthur actually gets close enough to trust someone, he's boyishly charming and sweet. He likes to cook for those he enjoys being around, and despite being a terrible person to have ever stepped foot into a kitchen, he puts so much effort into actually making a true friendship work...he likes to give gifts, and often will be shy about doing things for others.
He's a strange mix of naïveté and the voice of experience... he believes in ghosts, ghost stories, fae, and the magical world all around him. He knows exactly what type of food fairies eat, what trees wood nymphs prefer to nestle in. It doesn't matter that there aren't records of these mythical creatures existing - Arthur believes, and will swear up and down that a unicorn in the forest managed to save his life when he was younger and help him find civilization again. Yet, in the same breath of air, he'll be quick to lament on the bitterness of life and the cruelties of the world.
Arthur is of about average height - he sits and stands with excellent posture, which makes him seem taller than he really is. His clothing is always pressed and clean and neat, his collar folded perfectly, often wearing collared shirts with ties and either a suit jacket or a sweater vest. He dresses often in earth tones and deep blues, preferring mild colors to their more vivid counterparts. He has somewhat expressive green eyes, a sloping, neatly pointed nose, thin lips and somewhat unkempt, stringy blonde hair that he keeps combed as much as he possibly can.
His most distinctive feature, oddly enough, are his eyebrows. They're incredibly thick, darker than his hair on his face, and he refuses to groom them -- there's really no point, the hair will grow back twice as thick if he tries.
Arthur was born to a rather dull mother and father in London, England -- though from nursery school on, he mostly saw them on weekends and school holidays. Arthur was sent to St. Paul's Boys School, and learned to be rather independent from an early age. He mostly kept to himself - feeling more inclined to stay in and read than be scrappy with other young boys his age. Arthur was reading high-level books at an early age, and was taught well to be a gentleman around his peers. He was raised to have proper manners and politeness, and until age nine was a very sweet, if not shy boy.
Unfortunately for Arthur, it was easy to be a target if he kept to himself. He resisted assimilation into the social games of children for some time, but he quickly learned - face down in a pile of dirt, one kid pushing his penny loafer at the back of his head - that he was losing his chance to be something, someone.1 With a heavy heart and a heavier rock, he'd quickly turned the tables on the other boys, turning quite rapidly from the bullied to the bully in a matter of months. He managed to become quick friends with a group of smaller children, able to use them to keep himself protected while simultaneously promising them protection in return.
And so he did. He managed to get through the rest of grade school with mostly the same boys as friends, his posse of younger boys that he protected fiercely. His reputation largely proceeded him, and despite the fact that being a grade or two higher than most of the boys made it more difficult to be around them, the fact that they were associated with Arthur Kirkland made it more unlikely for them to become a victim of bullying. When Arthur was fifteen, entering the student law programme made it more difficult to associate himself with such a tarnished reputation.2 He cut off ties to most of his 'friends' and became more aware of his behavior, returning to his roots, continuing with his more chivalrous, gentlemanly manners.
His hard work and efforts paid off when he graduated from school as salutatorian. He gave a short, professional, quick speech at his graduation ceremony, and was incredibly pleased to find out that he'd made the Oxford Law programme.
That summer, Arthur fell in love for the very first time. It was...something awkward, something that had been a long time coming. The man was younger and somewhat of a punk, and remarkably, he was more experienced in the art of love and romance. Arthur had tried. He'd allow the younger man to take him places, attempted to fit in more with the younger man's scenery by adopting more of a punk attitude3, but it had never been...him. He had never really gotten it, and by the end of the summer, ended up morose, miserable, and heartbroken by the start of his university education. Most of college was a blur of work and studying hard, not quite letting go as he'd done in the past. He graduated with high marks, and interned many a summer with law firms -- going in full-force to focus on his career.
Finally, at age 25, Arthur struck out and started his own firm. It did incredibly well -- despite his tendency to over-exert his employees and interns, often causing them to work taxing long days with not quite enough pay for it to be worth it4. The Kirkland Law Firm grew in infamy regardless, making many news headlines with a famous criminal case that became known nationwide. A year and a half later, Arthur received a generous offer from the mysterious NationCorp, and an invitation to move to New York City, New York...
He declined, of course, insistent that his firm was doing better than ever before. Strangely enough, not a week later, Arthur found himself under pressure from the presses, a rumour spouting about that they had deliberately lied in the court of law, the judge's sudden overturning of the verdict casting suspicion his way. Never mind that nearly every single man and woman in his firm were given better opportunities5 - all leaving without a second thought, and leaving Arthur alone to deal with his troubles.
He made a quick, stammering statement to the presses that he was going to pursue an entirely different career, and head to New York City before things could get even worse. Arthur is using NationCorp as a way to start anew.
1 - During the 9th century, the individual kingdoms unified under the rule of Wessex into the Kingdom of England, which stood opposed to the Danelaw, the Viking kingdoms established from the 9th century in the North of England and the East Midlands.
2 - Somewhat refers to England's piracy days.
3 - The first ongoing music scene that was assigned the punk label appeared in New York City between 1974 and 1976. At about the same time or shortly afterward, a punk scene developed in London. Note: This is a bit out of order, though I feel it more appropriate to have happened when he was younger and more foolish.
4 - Refers to England's somewhat poor treatment of his colonies - often treating them as his subjects as opposed to his equals.
5 - The sign of the declination of the British Empire.
. roleplay samples .
[His nose is pressed into an Oscar Wilde, the tattered, torn pages showing just how obviously loved the book is. Arthur had to get used to public transportation in New York...and already, he isn't particularly impressed with the subway system at all whatsoever.]
[Especially with that racket going on right behind him, the teenagers boasting about whatever illicit substance they'd managed to obtain. Arthur finally frowns and turns in his seat, clearing his throat to get their attention.]
If you wouldn't mind, I'm trying to read.
There was such an odd feeling that transpired from moving. His world had seemed so big in London - his flat was a nice size, nice for the area, spacious and furnished and well-decorated. He'd left it all behind with this job opportunity, had sold his furniture to pay last-minute expenses left from his law firm going under. The most depressing part of leaving and losing everything was the sad little amount that his life had become - two suitcases full of clothes, and a smattering of personal belongings that Arthur deemed unable to live without.
He'd slept terribly on the plane. Arthur didn't...particularly mind children, but a young child behind him had cried nearly the whole way through, shrieking loudly for the whole of eight hours. When the plane had arrived at JFK, Arthur had stumbled off in an exhausted haze, collecting his bags, proceeding through customs, and very nearly dozed off in the cab on the way to his hotel. American traffic already seemed irritating, and with a heavy sigh as he looked out the window, he was fairly certain he wouldn't be driving for some time.
First things first, after all. Arthur had business to attend to.
There was the matter of checking into his hotel of course, and as Arthur stepped out of the cab and handed the taxi driver a wad of American bills, he looked around. His eyes flicked up to the skyscrapers of New York City, admittedly a slight sense of fear burning in the bottom of his stomach. As small as his world felt packed in suitcases, the immense size of the buildings and the wide streets, the hundreds of people that walked the sidewalk in front of the Marriot seemed to just make him feel...ridiculously small.
His thick brows furrowed, and he pushed inside, checked in with a soft sigh and requested a room with a decent wet bar. The receptionist was overly flirtatious and bubbly -- another worrying factor. It wasn't as though Arthur disliked Americans. He simply did not know exactly how to handle loud, friendly people, certainly not sweet, blonde receptionists that liked to lean forward and ask him about his background and why he was stateside. He had awkwardly thanked her, taken the key from her lingering hands, and went about locating the lift, his suitcases pulled closely to him as he made room for a frazzled looking woman and her three boys.
He peered at his watch as he pushed the card key into the lock, something reminiscent of a smile crossing over his lips. He was here, after all. He'd made it safe and sound. Arthur picked his bags back up and into the hotel room, breathing in the scent of potpourri and clean linens. His eye caught the little basket full of teas near the microwave, and he breathed a sigh of relief and contentment. Arthur prepared the hot water almost immediately and made himself a cup of tea, brought himself out on his balcony, and let his shoulders droop, relaxing after his long, long day of travel. The tea was warm and flavorful on his tongue, an herbal blend with lemongrass and mint...already calming his nerves and causing his eyelids to drop, closing his eyes and merely relishing the moment of peace.
This will NOT be evaluated as part of your application but is just a test to see if you understand what a BBS post is.
[RE: In need of a change of pace.]
I don't suppose anyone knows of a decent tea shop around? I haven't been able to find a good loose-leaf tea here in weeks.
It's not that...important, I suppose. But the tea in the break room gets tiresome after a few hundred cups.