also i'm not a huge fan of jamba juice. i mean i like it but its not the love of my life, like pasta is. i am ostracized because of this fact, sometimes.
tbch = texas baptist childrens home- its this place for kids without a home or a family to live and every year all the clubs at our school get gifts for them for the holidays. *christmas.
and jamba juice is awwwwwesome. it might be better than starbucks. just maybe...
ohhh i remember you telling me about that last year. thats such a nice thing to do! here, only one club does that...and not many people participate. desert vista is such a giving school. [don't worry i'm kind. i donated a toy.]
Comments 5
also i'm not a huge fan of jamba juice. i mean i like it but its not the love of my life, like pasta is. i am ostracized because of this fact, sometimes.
and jamba juice is awwwwwesome. it might be better than starbucks. just maybe...
ostracized???? SATS ARE OVER!
shut uppp ostracized is my favorite word.
but really, it was quite entertaining just to see the incompetent cashier try to figure what the heck he was doing.
thanks for taking one for the team, karina :)
and yeahh. i kept asking him questions and he just smiled and looked blankly at me then turned around to see if the manager was coming to help him.
and anytime. when i told monson how much it was she made really big eyes at me. ohhhh well.
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