poissonlune; "Tree" seems to be my CFUD nickname.
I play: Petros Orsini of Trinity Blood (
godsmightyspear), Zim of Invader Zim (
worse_or_better), and John Connor of Terminator 2: Judgment Day (
I used to play: Filif of Young Wizards (
have_wanderlust), Mugen of Samurai Champloo (
fangedbox), Will Stronghold of Sky High (
likeamacktruck), and Amparo/La Dama of Blue Beetle (
Contact: The quickest way to contact me is to send me an email at have0wanderlust at gmail dot com. You can also Gchat me there! I have fallen out of #campfuckudie lately, and when I am on IRC I hang out in the Trinity Blood and DC chans, usually nicked to Zim.
If you think I am dead or something, several CFUDers have my cell number. Harley, Booster, Castor, Telly (SHE COUNTS) are some.
Concrit/OOC issues: I have a screened post in each character's journal, and I comment to
cfud_concrit when I feel I've done enough to warrant commenting there.
Timezone/scheduling: GMT -8; American PST. I do the bulk of my playing on weekends. Oh, and I speak English and known some French (SADLY, IT HAS DETERIORATED WITH DISUSE.)
Playing style: I'm a little slow except with Zim, and I tend not to post a lot. I hop into other peoples' posts instead. I... don't know what else to put here.
Thread jumping: You may jump me any time! I, on the other hand, need to learn not to be afraid to jump people.
Thread dropping: Happens a lot! I don't know why. But weirdly, I will continue threads on posts I make for long periods of time, but drop threads in other peoples' posts after a day or two. If you want me to pick it back up, I am game, however!
Betaing: I am willing to beta! I do things with grammar/flow unless I know the canon and character. If you're apping from one of my canons I will keyboardsmash and flail in glee at you.
I am completely canonblind for all video games (except uh... Pokemon Gold, I played that all the way through). Anything I know comes from CFUD. So if you want a canonblind beta for a game, even one that you think everyone's played, I am here!
Comfort levels: I like stupid, silly things! I admit I feel a little awkward when dramatic drama starts to happen, so I tend to avoid those situations or just handwave them. I am also super timid, and fear jumping people repeatedly because I worry that GOSH, I AM SO ANNOYING!! WHAT IF THEY DON'T THINK THE RELATIONSHIP IS AS HILARIOUS AS I DO?! THEY MUST THINK I'M SO DUMB NOW etc etc. I MUST CONQUER THIS FEAR.
Pimping: I can supply you with links if you need them, but all are available legally in English.
Icons: Unless otherwise noted in comments, all icons are made by me. Icons from animation and films are also screencapped by me. ...Honestly, I have no idea who else plays the characters I do, but if you want to take some, a line of credit is appreciated!