Hospital visits are becoming way too routine. I feel ready to explode and if you'd seen the ultrasound today, you know what I mean when I say Zach is definitely ready to pop. The poor kid is so cramped in there I don't know how he manages to move as much as he does
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I'm drugged out of my mind. I've been taking very powerful meds every four hours for the past week and a half. Up until today they've been working very well. But right now I'm tired, lethargic, zoned, and having contractions all at the same wonderful time. And I have to do this for another 36 hours.
I think I can safely say I'm ready for this baby. True, I'll never be completely ready to be a mommy, but I'm prepared mentally and physically enough to be secure about it.
Major events at the Albany County Fair include 4-H shows, adorable small children riding sheep, the typical dirty fair rides, and, my personal favorite, pig wrestling
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Zachary tried to escape tonight. Fortunately, lots of labor symptoms for two days had left me very paranoid, so I called up to OB and they told me to come in and get checked
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I don't day dream like I used to. I supposed that's one of the drawbacks of being so close to perfectly happy. That, in and of itself, makes perfect happiness seem hopelessly out of reach
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We're all moved in to our new apartment!! I'll post pictures on facebook this weekend. This place is so much nicer than the last. It's cleaner, newer, and far less drafty. Now I can concentrate on getting ready for Zach. :)