Permission meme. Also I changed some stuff from the orignal permissions thing
here 'cause I'm a jerk.
-Threadhopping with this character - yes, no, or what?: Go ahead, as long as nothing important is going on. If you're not sure if it's important enough, you can IM me about it. But please don't threadhop if it says private.
-Hugging this character?: Yes, go ahead.
-Giving this character a kiss?: Um, sure. But... she'll be too shocked to do anything then spaz like an idiot so.
-Punching this character (provided they are given an opportunity to fight back): WHY WOULD YOU PUNCH HER?! But uh, if you want to hit her, please please ask. It'll most likely be a no unless there's a good reason.
-Is there anything YOU DO NOT WANT MENTIONED near this character?: Um, nothing really. As long as you don't mentally scar her or anything like that. And talking about groping and stuff would get her really flustered since she has to go through that with Haruhi.
-Is there anything you need us to KNOW about interacting with this character? Special physical features, fighting abilities, STUFF: She's a huge klutz so don't be shocked if she falls off a cliff in mid conversation? Aha. XD;