Does anyone on my friends list do IV breeding to trade with other users? I have a very large supply of stuff available for trade if anyone wants to swap with me. :) I trade for IV bred Pokemon that I do not have yet.
I can be picky! I want females to be in matching poke balls or males with egg moves. I am primarily interested in females. <3
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Comments 39
I can offer IVed Eevee, I have her in a dive ball ATM but I'd be willing to catch in a diff ball if Vaporeon isn't what u want.
I also have adamant super sized pumkaboos
I'm thinking of doing Heliolisk next, I'm trying to avoid re-doing pokes I have in my pokemon Black/White. I'll have a better selection after the bank is out.
I got a chimchar with 4 egg moves O.O from wonder trade so I may breed him too since it's in the Feild egg grp with eevee.
I think I'd like an inkay if u are intrested!
If not, I might be interested in a Palpitoad if you have one in a matching ball. ^_^
I need to find a friend safari with bumpy frog I had to trade for my first one so he's in a normal ball.
Best one: 31/31/31/31/31/x I wanted to get one with speed instead of attack for you but RNG wasn't having it. Anyway, shouldn't be hard to breed one up quick with this mommy.
If you see me on feel free to open trade!
I have a very limited number of the following left:
Helioptile - Lv 1 (F) Timid w/ Dry Skin 4 x 31 IVs
Lv 1 (F) Timid w/ Sand Veil 5 x 31 IVs
Lv 25 (M) Timid w/ Dry Skin 5 x 31 IVs
Lv 40 (F) Timid w/ Dry Skin 5 x 31 IVs
Purrloin - Lv 61 (F) Timid w/ Prankster 5 x 31 IVs
Lv 1 (F) Timid w/ Limber 5 x 31 IVs
Lv 1 (M) Timid w/ Prankster 5 x 31 IVs
Espurr - 2 x Lv 1 (F) Modest w/ Keen Eye 6 x 31 IVs
Lv 81 (F) Modest w/ Own Tempo 6 x 31 IVs
Lv 1 (M) Modest w/ Own Tempo 5 x 31 IVs
Lv 1 (F) Modest w/ Own Tempo 5 x 31 IVs
Lv 32 Japanese (F) Modest w/ Own Tempo 5 x 31 IVs
I have a good number of Druddigon, Gligar and Glameows left. In fact, I am still breeding Glameow, trying for that shiny. I have a couple 6 IV gals I can spare with egg moves...;)
I'm interested in Charmander (especially a female), Absol, Noibat and possibly Froakie.
Purrloin - Standard PokeBall
Glameow - Luxury PokeBall - My favorite...:3
Gligar - Ultra PokeBall
Druddigon - Dusk PoekBall
Helioptile - Standard PokeBall
Espurr - Standard PokeBall
Dratini|Adamant|Marvel Scale|31/31/31/X/31/31
Egg Moves: Aqua Jet
Bagon|Naive|Sheer Force (or Rock Head on request)|31/31/31/31/X/31
Egg Moves: Dragon Dance
Egg Moves: Disable
(Note: I also have a lot of 5V Gastly sitting around, but luck wasn't on my side with those, so their one imperfect IV is in pretty much anything but Attack haha. I guess they're useful if you want them for breeding other Pokemon?)
Venipede|Adamant|Speed Boost|31/31/31/X/31/31
Egg Moves: Spikes, Toxic Spikes
Egg Moves: Agility, Baton Pass
Surskit|Modest|Swift Swim|31/X/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: None
Riolu|Jolly|Prankster (or Steadfast/Inner Focus as requested)|31/31/31/X/31/31
Egg Moves: Blaze Kick, Crunch
Dratini: Ultra Ball
Bagon: Dusk Ball
Gastly: Quick Ball
Venipede: Pokeball
Gligar: Pokeball
Surskit: Ultra Ball
Riolu: I would have to double check with my friend, but I'm 99% sure his female Lucario is a sibling of my male one, so it should be in a Pokeball
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