Age: 34
Height: 6'
Eyes: Light blue.
Hair: Auburn (MC1R mutation~), straight, neatly combed unless it has cause to flop into his face.
Medical info: Surprisingly whole and healthy considering the time he spent as a Nazi doctor's personal lab rat.
Physical traits: Long, lean, fit,
UM? Legs that go up to here. Quite a few scars, though none generally visible except for one above his lip. He has a serial number (214782) that he received at Auschwitz tattooed onto the inside of his left arm.
What's okay to mention around him: Anything. Erik comes pre-broken.
Abilities: He can control magnetic fields, which in practise looks like moving metal objects about with his mind and sometimes flying (more like floating with style, really). He can sense and move small pieces of metal with quite a bit of precision and wicked reaction time (i.e., he can deflect bullets), but he's just now getting the hang of really large objects; thus, they still require a lot of his concentration.
Notes for the psychics: Moot if Erik is wearing his helmet, which is specifically meant to keep psychics out of his head. When it's on, Erik's mind is basically a void. If you think you should be able to get into his head anyway, please contact me.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: I'm very open to things and stuff, just contact me first.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Well, he p-probably won't try to retaliate disproportionately or anything, but unless you're close to him (emotionally, that is) he is going to be extremely wary of uninvited touching. If you want to know how he would respond to something in advance, just contact me, otherwise I will just handle it on a case-by-case basis.
Cooking: Erik has been fending for himself most of his life. He prefers to eat fine food and can make it well, though any food is, ultimately, functional first and pleasurable second.
Other: His first languages are German and Yiddish; he currently speaks British English. Erik is sort of a linguistic mutt - he didn't have a home after the camps, moved about quite extensively from a fairly young age and speaks at least five languages fluently. Therefore his accent can sometimes be rather indistinguishable.
I am taking Erik from near the end of the movie, though he doesn't yet have his full-on Magneto Regalia (including cape and helmet). Right now he is just wearing the helmet he took from Shaw.