Aug 28, 2007 09:00
Okay all, our timing is going to be a bit wonky, so I hope you all don't mind.
Challenge 79: Deathly Hallows
It's time to get your copies of Deathly Hallows out! We've waited long enough, now I want some good icons!
Please make icons using pictures from the Goblet of Fire movie, but using quotes from Deathly Hallows.
* Icons must contain a Deathly Hallows Quote of at least 3 consecutive words. (If you'd like to make an icon with less than 3 words, please comment here with the quote and I'll accept or deny the request.)
* You must post along with the icon the quote and the page number it's from.
* You may use any book or movie pictures from Goblet of Fire.
* GoF Fanart is allowed if credit is given and it is allowed by the artist.
* Blending/Text/Brushes allowed.
* Icons must not be animated.
* Icons must meet LJ standards.
* Please remember to post both the image and the url for the icons.
* You may submit up to 3 icons for this challenge.
* Deadline: Monday, September 3rd by 8:00pm CST.
Thanks, and good luck!