summer has truly begun. graduation season is here. and life is
connor brightened up my day for the first time on friday by comin to visit after i got out of my spanish mandatory extra credit (which i hope i got points on since i got a damn 76 on the exam). he had a fantabulous time meeting all my crazy friends (they just get crazier and crazier!), then we hopped over to panera and had lunch. then after a few hours of separation, he came over to my house to pick me up/meet my parents before we went to see star wars. yeah. star wars. blah. the movie really wasn't anything fantastic, by far. i don't understand how lucas could film that acting, plaster it on big screens across the world and actually expect it to pass for acting. "You're breaking my heart!" ::gag:: i couldn't stop laughing, particularly with that line. it was just so fake, so wooden (nicole, that was an awesome way to describe it). it all seemed very hollow, that there wasn't anything behind it. you could tell the actors were trying extremely hard, which shouldn't happen. you're supposed to be put at ease by the characters, slip into the mindset that that's who they are, but i just couldn't. i laughed at them instead. and enjoyed my company :)
saturday=my grad party!! woooooo!! that was so much fun!! having all my friends gathered in one place felt awesome!! we laughed so hard, doubled over on the couch, since when we were awkwardly standing in the front hall, not much laughing went on. HOWEVER, once we all played follow the leader and eventually ended up cramming in my family room, good times were definitely had by all!! my mom said i should have circled around more, and seen more of my adult guests. pfft. i was quite fine where i was, thank you.
later, movie night at mike garone's house. damn. he's got a home theatre in his basement. it's pretty badass. gotta love those extraordinarily comfortable leather chairs. and the movie, assault on precinct 13. i was coherent for most of it, and really liked it, but i did phase out a few times....i was pretty damn exhausted, and so was the person who i happened to be laying on. weee made quite a pair, trying to actually stay awake that night.
more parties sunday!! meghan linehan's was fun, even if i did spend most of my time on two cell phones, often at the same time. on nicole's, directing jen and on mine, text messaging connor to discover that maria was already at his place and therefore, did not need me to giver her a ride. soooo, got to connor's later than originally planned, but had a blast!! met more of his friends, who were awesomely funny and very open. connor got his car condomed...again...not funny, particularly when it involved personal information that was SUPPOSED to have STAYED personal. oh well, life went on, and so did the party!
monday was laid back and relaxed, a nice way to drink in all the events of the weekend. :)