I decided I'm going to start looking for prom dresses (even though looking for a date will pose the bigger challenge and I should really get on that too) and it's very hard. I'm looking at stores and websites for ideas, but all I really want is something that looks like this (or at least in that color) but it is no use.
So so tired. I went to Sarah's sleepover yesterday but left early because I wanted to actually sleep. And I was near dozing off today in play. Now I'm still tired
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1 more test! Almost over! I hate midterms so much. My brain just shut down this morning and I can't think anymore. Really, 2 essays for economics! That's more than we wrote in that class all year.
Well, Stat. wasn't so bad. Kicking myself now for worrying so much. Italian was also easy, as expected. I only have 2 tests left and I feel a lot better now that statistics is behind me.
I still have Statistics tomorrow and I am still panicking. Just have to keep reminding myself that 80 or up is good. I've been kind of afraid of studying because if I look in the book I'll remember that I don't know anything. Strangely I've actually studied for Italian even though I don't need to. At least after tomorrow I will be 2/3 done with my
The cable is back. The internet is back. IY4Ever and OpenSea got their stuff together and I'm downloading episode 12 (and they are also subbing it in Italian, so I can watch and technically be studying too). I just played some We <3 Katamari and on a 500m challenge got over 800m on the first try
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