
Jan 01, 2004 22:56

I am going to attempt to relive my time on the mainland.. though it will be hard to express exactly what a lovely time I had.

I'd forgotten what it's like to live in the snow and be cold. and how rewarding it is to straighten your hair resulting in strait, long hair all day. upon arriving in sv on sunday I immidately went to Jackie's (thrice_jg). it was so crazy/wonderful to see her. things really haven't changed between us which was nice to know. lunch with Cristalle (rip_me_tor_me) came next followed by coffee at Tully's. (darling kates kate05h it was not the same without you). an untimely snowbaroding accident (made by Nick Dinev, more fondly known as Brit-Nick) resulted in Jackie's departure to the hospital. I spent more time with Cristalle and then went to the emergency room to meet Jackie there. It was at this point that I met Jacksta's friends. I really did like them.. though slightly less mature in certain areas they were really nice people and immediately made me feel like a friend. We went to The Last Samauri with Lisa and my dad. I then stayed the night at Jackie's. The next morning I went to breakfast with my dad, Lisa and Britt. God i miss them. we later went up to 'Disney Day' at Max's house. by the way I have never been more pleased with a couple than with Lisa and Max. they're so perfect. Lisa had to work so I went to lunch with Hilary which was surprisingly great. I think I've let go of the fact that she hurt me and we'll never be friends the way we used to be. I've accepted that and have learned to deal with it I suppose. It was really nice that no matter how much time has passed/how long we haven't kept in close contact/what we've gone through we can still talk and share things like nothing's changed. Lisa, Britt and I went to Lisa's house later where I got to see all her family. i love them so much. they're so much different from my family. yet our father's are so similar. their jokes that amuse only them and other embarressing/silly behavior. I just love Lisa's family. I went to desert with Jeremy later which was excellent. it was good to catch up. That night there was this whole huge drama thing happening with Dan (I have honestly never met someone as dramatic as Dan) which prevented us from going to his house where everyone was. because he was mad at Britt. It was disapointing, especially since I had found out previously that evening that Joe like(s)(d) me and was at Dan's. apparently he had said "Chloe's not only really hot, she has a great personality that I really click with". Dan said to Lisa "Chloe's the girl Joe would actually date.. not just have a one night stand with". which is funny because Lisa and Joe had just that this summer. off subject. so I was irritated that I have to find this out now since a. Lisa and I have loved Joe for a long time, b. I never know when I lived in sv and c. Joe is attractive. ugh. oh well. "hurrah for singleton's". so we stayed that night at Maddy's having a wonderful time hot tubbing and drinking horrible wine and coronas. I'd forgotten how fun drunk girl nights can be. that concludes my time in sv. I miss it there. a lot.

Boise:. I didn't spent a great deal of time there. I went to lunch and shopping with Chrissy (kneepads) one day which was thoroughly in need. We caught up on some much needed time/gossip. (greer I heard some very interesting tidbits of information about you which we may need to discuss.. sorry lotr didn't happen). Having my brother in town was also amazing. he's gotten religous to a point that I cannot relate to and it's.. strange. I hate to say it but he's less fun with his newly aquired faith. regardless we had a great time and continued to be just as silly together. my brother and I both regress about ten years when around each other. Christmas day we went boarding and it was SO amazing. there was powder all day. in all my time on the mountain I don't think I've ever had such perfect snow. God it was good. I "busted fat air" (of course I only landed about one of ninety attempted jumps). Oregon was not as bad as expected.. in fact it was really great. The family farm was this beautiful place that had been abandoned (family saga.. will not go into in depth at this point). I had a lot of good bonding time with my cousins. we played so much poker on this trip it was cr-azy.

edit::: I'm sorry. I just realized how long and boring this entry was. please excuse or choose not to read it. it's not particularly captivating.

being on the mainland really reminded me that I'm at mainland-er at heart. it's weird being back.
Memorable quotes from the past two weeks:
-"Harry Potter will kick your ass" (Jackie to friend insluting Harry Potter). In repsonse to that, "No. Harry Potter will jinx your ass" (me).
-"You rock harder than anyone I know" (name that movie)
-"When in doubt, hit Chloe" (cousin Noel in midst of poker tournament)
-"the thing about wearing really cool underwear, though, is the constant desire to remove your pants." (this has absolutely nothing to do with my trip. however. i just read it in my lovely arianna's journal littlerose and loved it).
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