I talked to ‘Kaasan yesterday, it was a surprise to hear from her but a good one, I guess…She didn’t really say much, said she was callin’ to thank me for the mother’s day card (‘Keru made me send it, I wasn’t gonna bother but I’m glad he did now) just asked how stuff was an’ how ‘Tousan an’ Jun were, how school was goin’, what was I planning’ on
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Comments 29
You're coming to Mimi's party, aren't you? I might pop round, if you don't mind, maybe you want some more books...?
Psst, if you learn how to ride a motorbike, can you teach me? ^_^
Yep, I am! Gotta talk to taichi-senpai about fireworks an' stuff~! Don't think they'll let me take any on the plane so he's probably gonna have to go get 'em ^_^;; Sure, you can come on over, that's cool ^_^ An' yeah, those books you lent me last time were preety cool, I've read 'em all now so I can give 'em back while you're here ^_^
Sure thing! It is so awesome! Don't think Jyou would like that much though ^_^;;
I worry about you all too much already and that's without you all deciding to be TOTALLY IRRESPONSIBLE by deciding to zoom about on motorbikes.
*tries to resist urge to pinch Jyou's cheek and coo about how sweet that is*
Right Dai? ... becuse if you end up in as an organ donor I'll never forgive you. In fact, I'll come after you and kick your astral ass so bad you won't be able to sit on it for your whole next life to come. We clear? *glares*
Last day of school tomorrow for me... yay! x_x; Another week for you~ I'll come get you at the airport, k?
Yay for you! -_- But that is cool, I'll call you later, gonna go get my tickets at the weekend so I can give you times an' stuff *nodnod* So lookin' forward to this summer~! =^_^= Hope Veemon hasn't eaten my soccer shirts...
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