Dear Author

Feb 01, 2011 23:41

purimgifts is open, and I am excite.

It's going to be easier on your eyes if I just say what I don't like: rape as love, stalking as love, out of characterness, and character bashing. Steer clear of those and we'll be fine.

What I do like, should you want more prompting:

I like romance (OTPs: Alice/Hatter, Jack/Duchess, Doctor/Rose/Jack, Amy/Rory, Kirk/McCoy, Spock/Uhura, Uhura/Gaila, Uhura/Gaila/Spock, Gaila/Scotty, Chekov/Sulu, Sam/Quorra.) I like character studies (Uhura/Language, Gaila/Sex, March/Violence, Hatter/Lying), and I like adventure stories (Winona/Space, Alice/Curiosity, Quorra/Awe). You may have also noticed that I also like women who do things, but that really shouldn't be a problem with this fest.

So, yay Purim!

author's notes

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