I get to thinking a lot here. I've been in this place over a year now. I know, I can't believe it! I've spent a fourth of my 'life' in this place and yet... I haven't found a purpose here. Not like in my world.
It's so silly sometimes, and I can see that. I mean, I can blast through mountains, deflect missiles and save the world, but I feel a little lost without her here.
Nat-chan... what are you doing now? Is time stopped and you don't even know I'm gone yet? Every day I feel like you'll show up, guns blazing and everything will be like it always is; one thing after another but we're together. I wonder if I'll ever see you again? I'd like to, if only for a little bit. I have so much to tell you, so much I never got a chance to tell you.
I've been thinking about a lot of stuff lately; like what I want to do with myself, and how I want to help change this place.
I don't know yet, and it's hard to keep up with this place. I never seem to have enough energy lately. I've shut down a lot over my time here. The I-system... I know why Papa made me like this. I know why he made it so I have red 'blood' and need to eat to stay strong. It's pretty impractical, but I know why. And I'm happy that he did.
...As a human huh? I'll do my best.
Who can smell spring in the air? I'm so excited for warm weather! Spring is time for festivals and dancing and feeling good with the changing seasons. It's the time things come back to life and we get to break out the cooler clothes!
I can't help feeling excited for this. I think I'll have a little more energy now that it's not so cold too. I always do better in the warmer seasons.
So hello to new people!
Ne ne, maybe every month we should do a sort of mixer thing for new people to come and meet the older citizens and get to know each other? I think it would be a good way to get to know each other better, and build new friendships~♥ I mean, we're all in the same boat and having a chance to meet others with similar goals and ideas is a great way to help morale and teamwork!
Kisses ♥