Getting back into it.

Feb 24, 2012 05:47

So because my back I took a break.  Went to a chiropractor and he found that I had a compressed fracture in my last verberate.  So that little guy has been causing me so much pain all these years.

So I've been three times, and I finally felt good this week.  But didn't work out because I've been too tired in the morning.

This morning I did the fit test again...

I've gotten weaker again.  I don't feel as if I've gained a lot of weight, but the muscles were definitely got there.  So I gotta get back into things. :)

Fit Test  
Squat Jump: 22  34  23
Push Up (on knees): 17  24  16
Burpees: 5  10  8
High Knees: 110 130  127
Switch Lunges: 20 27  20
Tuck Jumps: 11  22  11
Straight Abs (modified): 22 15(modified)  7 regular  25
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