Wow. We got lots o'icons tonight. Three Kill Bill icons, four LotR actor icons, one Buckingham/Nicks, one I Capture the Castle, and two retired icons from my journal (Aubrey/Maturin and Éowyn). 2.
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Here's the latest batch. One Josh/Donna from West Wing, two assorted Hidalgo icons, a Hidalgo mini-songset (5), which will get expanded later, and three Stevie Nicks or Buckingham/Nicks icons. 1.
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Woo, an update. Been beating the hell out of ImageReady lately. Here's three Harry Potter from the new PoA trailer, one new Stevie Nicks, and a Lindsey one 1.
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Various Hidalgo icons, modified from bases by arwen_elvenfair. I can't find any good pictures of Zuleikha as Jazira ANYWHERE. Maybe there'll be screencaps from the Viggo fanatics shortly. ( Six icons. )
Yo. This is Rhi from rhipowered, and I welcome you to my lovely icon journal. This journal has been created primarily because I am a lazy bum and don't feel like coding every time I want to update the world regarding the icons I've made recently. I'm also pissed because LiveJournal's being cranky and not letting my adaptations to this layout stick.
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