Everythin'? Hell... If I were an artist, I'd draw ya a picture. They used some weirdass illusion technique on us. Everyone saw someone special, y'know... trickery an' mind fuck, th' full course of fun. whad'ya wanna know about it?
I wanna know everythin' you remember about 'em. When they showed up, an' from where, how they moved, how they fought, healed, fuck, smelled. You cut on one of 'em, right? They feel human t'you, or like somethin' else? Did it look like one of 'em was in charge, or were they both just gofers, or what? Everythin'.
[There's a long pause as Gojyo processes all of that. The idea of the Malnossi as programmable things, and being programmed to come fetch his body, is a slightly disturbing one.]
No blood, no smell, but they cut like flesh. 'Kay. Uh, thanks. There anythin' else about all that that seemed weird t'you?
[Ah, the pub was starting to feel like a second home. Katou has hogged a table at the back, bottle of something strong on the table and two glasses. He's downing his second one for the night, grinning at the potent of the alcohol as it burns it way down his throat.]
[Gojyo doesn't actually know what you look like, Katou... but there's a guy in the bar drinking like he means it, so twenty bucks says that's who he's here to see.]
No blood, no smell, but they cut like flesh. 'Kay. Uh, thanks. There anythin' else about all that that seemed weird t'you?
Really, dude... th'whole setup seemed weird t'me. There's a lot of stuff that just doesn't fit in. But I ain't stupid enough t'blabber 'em out here.
[ooc: Action posts? :3]
[Ah, the pub was starting to feel like a second home. Katou has hogged a table at the back, bottle of something strong on the table and two glasses. He's downing his second one for the night, grinning at the potent of the alcohol as it burns it way down his throat.]
Man after my own heart. What're we drinkin'?
Does it matter? [But he turns the bottle enough to show the etiquette to Gojyo before pouring him a generous glass of the amber poison.] Whiskey.
Here's t'not bein' dead, then.
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