All in all... I'm happy. And I'm blessed. I have so much to be thankful for.
I'm watchin' a german film called "Cherry Blossoms". It's good so far. I really like the female protagonist. She's beautiful... absolutely beautiful. At least to me she is. I think she's in her 60's.
People forget so easily the beauty in old age. All the knowledge and experience laying just underneath the flecks of color in their eyes. I miss my father so much. I miss his silvery hair and his whimsical smile.
Anyhow, I am lucky to have the people that I have in my life. And though it may sound strange, I have found myself very moved by sermons that a priest gives at my mother's church. He's right on it with every topic. And though I usually cry in church, for other reasons, his sermons move me to such degrees of emotion that I get lost in it.
This film is lovely. I think it would be beautiful to grow old with someone you love so very much. All those memories created. All the little quirks. The way you take up the slack in one area and they take it up elsewhere. Building a life with someone seems like one of the most beautiful culmination of experiences you can have. My father lived so many different types of lives. Yet, he always said his happiest was with my mother. Before he died, he told my mom that they lived it all together. Everything that life had to offer... good, bad or indifferent... they lived it.
There's a scene in this film where the male protagonist was laying in the bed that he and his wife shared with the komono she liked to wear stretched out across the bed. He was holding the sleeve like as if to be reaching down, trying to find her somewhere sunken underneath those sheets. It made me cry.
I wonder why people are so afraid to make that connection... that ever true lifelong connection. It seems like our generations fear what they have not experienced. Fear the potential loss. I'm not afraid. I think that even the loss is beautiful. My mother still has the last shirt that my father wore. She says it still has his scent.
Okay... I'm ranting.