Dec 30, 2009 16:23
James was bored.
It was a systemic thing, rising like a slow, inexorable tide the whole time he'd been here, and the stolen moments with Marlena had done little to stem it. It wasn't merely about sex, but in the absence of any other place to exert himself, any other skill to demonstrate, it frequently took the form of desire. For him--for most Jims, really--desire, ambition, action, it was all sex.
James was fucking tired of being bored.
But Tina Chapel was a cute little number, gullible enough to have fallen for the charms of one Jim Kirk and damaged goods to boot. He'd always liked blondes. And Jim was still away, the devil knew where and James didn't care. All he knew was Tina was alone, Tina was the type of girl to get pregnant by men not of her universe who looked exactly like him, and it was 11:30 at night and James was outside her door.
Serve James Fucking Kirk right.
new enterprise,
not your father's james t. kirk